Chapter One

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Elizabeth Black stood by two big trees with her daughter, Meredith.

"What do we do now?" Meredith asked her step-mother. Meredith's stomach ached with nervousness.

Meredith had no clue she was par God until a few days ago. She was a straight A student, but that was most likely dew to the fact that Athena was her mother. Meredith had been told plenty more then a few times that she was as beautiful as an angel. That was probably because of her great grandmother Aphrodite. She never knew her beauty and brain would be linked with Greek Gods.

The power Zeus gave her only showed itself several days previously. The fight between her parents had sent her crying in her room. Water droplets spilled from Meredith's green eyes, made drops of water fall from dark clouds in the sky.

"You have to walk in between these trees, honey." Elizabeth pointed to the two trees close to the girls.

"Can you come with me?" Although Meredith was being bitter towards her mother for the moment, Meredith didn't want to be abandoned.

Elizabeth shook her head. "No, only people who have a God's DNA can go farther than this." Elizabeth felt terrible. She wanted to go with her daughter, but she knew she couldn't. Elizabeth also knew that Meredith was shy. Without someone she knew beside her, Meredith wouldn't speak up and instead she would cower away. My poor angel, Elizabeth thought glumly.

"Come here." Said Elizabeth, stretching her hands out for a hug.

Meredith gave Elizabeth a one armed hug, adjusted the straps to her back pack and with a confident look in her eyes, marched through the trees with her chin slightly turned up.

Elizabeth couldn't help but let a few tears slip out of her brown eyes. She watched as Meredith disappeared into the trees, and Elizabeth desperately wanted to chase after her. She wanted to pick her daughter up and hug the living daylights out of her. She wanted to smother her face with kisses and never let Meredith walk away from Elizabeth again.

Elizabeth already missed her daughter dearly. It was painful to be away from her.


James stood by his older brother, Chase.

James was a small boy. He had recently turned twelve, but hadn't hit his growth spurt yet. He was a skinny, scrawny child. Often, Chase would make fun of James' weight and size. It seemed the only part of James that was actually attractive were his eyes. His stunning blue eyes that always seemed to pop out of his head with curiosity.

James was always curious about everything, so when he saw a slender girl with short black hair and green eyes that seemed to shine brighter than the sun, step out of two trees, James was itching with eagerness.

James stood straight from the wall he was leaning on, and started towards the girl. He had to figure out who this beautiful girl was.

The mysterious girl looked around, questioningly. She stumbled a few steps forward, and glanced around again.

James approached the newbie girl. "Hi," he said timidly. "My name is James." He stuck out his hand towards the girl.

"Meredith. Nice to meet you." Meredith shook James' hand.

"So, I'm guessing you're new?" James asked.

"Yeah," Meredith responded. "I had no idea I had special powers."

"Powers? You mean, plural?" James sounded shocked, as if Meredith just told him she had twelve arms and twenty-five toes.

"Well yeah, don't you have more than one power?" Meredith was more then confused by now.

James took a step closer to Meredith. "No one has more than one God's power." He whispered.

Meredith took a step backwards. "You only have one power?"

"Yeah, Athena."

"Oh. I have three." Meredith wasn't quite sure why she was telling this boy she barely knew about her extra powers.

James' eyes looked much wider then they were before. "Sshhh! Don't say that out loud!" He said frantically, like he was waiting for something terrible to happen.

"I bet a ton of people have more then just one power," said Meredith. "What's the problem with having more then one, anyway?"

James looked around to make sure no one was watching. "Not one half-blood has more then one God's power. If you do, the consequences are fatal."

James lied. He switched a word for a word. Almost no half-blood. Not, not one half-blood. He knew of only two half-bloods with more then one gift. Meredith, and himself.

But he wasn't about to go around telling every stranger he saw. James knew the consequences of having more then one power. Angry Gods. Powerful Gods, fuelled by hatred and insecurity. If they found out about Meredith or himself, they would be in grave danger. Nothing could prevent the Gods from harming them.

Meredith stared at him. What the heck did he mean by 'the consequences are fatal'? Meredith thought.

"Fatal? As in...death?" Meredith voiced her thoughts.

Before James could reply, they were interrupted. "You must be Meredith. Im Chiron, half-blood trainer." Meredith jumped back in surprise and shock. Not because she was startled. The man was a horse. Well, part horse. His bottom half had four hooves and the body of a horse. From the waist up was human. The man-Chiron-looked around forty. He had salt and pepper coloured hair and brown eyes. Meredith's head only came up to his midsection.

"Uh, yeah. That's me." Responded Meredith hesitantly.

"Let me show you around," Chiron smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling. "James, better get to your classes."

James nodded and headed towards the field where Archery was, the whole time thinking about Meredith, the mysterious girl who was gifted with three Gods' powers. Even more powerful then James, with only two. More powerful then a God. James was amazed that was even possible. He had always thought he was the only freak. Though Chase was his brother, James guessed that the genes hadn't spread to him since he only had Athena's power.

He met up with Chase who was with his clique of friends. Altogether, they walked to Archery class.

All half-bloods in the camp had to prepare for battle, and to do so, they all have to take classes, such as Archery, to prepare themselves. Each class was one hour long. James' favourite class was Archery, he was good at it too. Most boys enjoyed combat with swords and axes, even some of the girls. For example, Clarice.

Clarice likes to bully people and brag when she wins a fight. She likes to pretend that she's superior and that she controls everybody in Camp Half-Blood. James didn't like her, in fact, he didn't think anyone did, they were just to chicken to admit it. Clarice's biggest rival was Percy Jackson. She always says Percy is no competitor, but James thought Percy was hard to beat. He adored Percy, it's amazing how he retrieved Zeus' lightening bolt and collected the golden fleece to save Thalia's tree. James wanted to be just like him.

Half way through the class, Meredith joined the group.

Chiron had gotten Fletcher, a boy two years older then Meredith, to show her around the campus. She really liked it. She had been escorted to the Athena cabin, where she would be staying for the time she was there. Meredith was glad she had at least one friend, and he was in her cabin.

Archery sounded fun enough. Meredith never did any extracurricular activities that involved fighting, though. She was a bit nervous about it all. What if I make a fool of myself? she thought.

She started wondering if she should ask Fletcher to help her before coming back to the field-

"Meredith? Do you want to try first?" Chiron asked. He was the trainer.

Too late.


Misfit (Percy Jackson Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora