EIGHT. Monaco and House-calls.

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"She is from legal. And she is potentially a very expensive sexual harassment lawsuit if you keep ogling her like that." Pepper tells him through her teeth, smiling at Happy who looked to be giving Natalie boxing tips.

"I need a new assistant, boss." He complains, also watching the woman and Happy talk but I had a feeling he was only focusing on Natalie.

"Yes, and I've got three excellent potential candidates. They're lined up and ready to meet you." Pepper tells him nicely, looking over to watch him.

"No one can beat you Pepper." I sigh, leaning my head on her shoulder as Tony was sweaty and gross. "Are they all nice."

"I made sure they were the best of the best." She assured me, letting her hand rest on my leg as she typed something on her phone.

"I don't have time to meet. I need someone now. I feel like it's her." Tony nods, pointing at the woman.

"She's not going to go out with you Tony, she's way out of your league." I tell him, and he gasps mockingly.

"What?! I can get her." He defends himself, looking worried. "Watch me, I'll go do it right now."

"No, you're won't. She's mine." Pepper tells him in a bright voice.

"Didn't think you went for those people." Tony mumbles, sipping from the bottle once more. Pepper only laughs, much happier than she was a few days ago when she almost had a mental breakdown at Tony's sarcastic court hearing.

"How do I spell your name, Natalie?" Tony calls out to the woman.

"R-U-S-H-M-A-N." She turns towards us and I watch as Tony turns on the screen.

"What, are you gonna google her now?" Pepper asks, rolling her eyes.

"You can't just google people, can you? That doesn't work." I think out loud, watching as Tony searched up the woman's name. To my surprise, it did work, and multiple links came up about her life and successes.

"I thought I was ogling her. Wow. Very, very impressive individual." He flips through multiple files and I look closer to see that she was a model.

"You're so predictable, you know, that right?" I laugh at his antics, getting up and heading over to the boxing ring to get a closer eye on the two individuals. I heard Happy listing off reasons and tips to help win a boxing fight, but Natalie kept turning around to face my brother and Pepper as they both talked quietly on the love seat. I reach the side of the ring and she glances down at me with interest, but I also see Happy wink at me.

"Rule number one, never take your eye off the opponent-" as he goes to 'hit' her face, Natalie spins around and grabs his arm, twisting it and then using her legs wrapped around his neck to send him to the floor.

"OH MY GOD!" I heard Pepper yell as I stare at her wide eyed.

"THAT WAS SO COOL!" I yell, smiling up at the woman who was exiting the ring and putting her heels back on. "Can you teach me that?!" I look over and gape at her.

"Maybe some other time," She smirks as Pepper and Tony reach us, both with very different reactions to the events that just happened.

Tony was laughing hysterically as he walked over to rink the KO bell he kept on a small table I the corner. "That's what I'm talking about." He cheers brightly. Happy was on his back in the middle of the floor, breathing heavily while rubbing his sore back.

"I just slipped." He defended himself, his face red and contorted in slight pain.

"You did?" Tony smirks, unbelieving.

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