2. New and beautiful

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*Harrison POV*
I wake up.
I have a terrible headache.
Damn, I should be at work for two hours.
My second delay in two days of work.
Well...maybe today George won't even care after yesterday...
I hope that that kid could at least gets up of his bed...
I run down the stairs.
My head seems like a basket ball bouncing every time a make a step.
I need a coffee.
I turn on the coffee machine and I sit at my kitchen table.
The sun seems already so high in the sky.
Everything so whiter than it really is.
White...like her dress.
Yesterday night was good, though.
I think I had the opportunity to see a part of each of my co stars that I could never be able to see again.
Mark super drunk.
George careful.
And Carrie...well...
Actually Carrie was just...Carrie!
Even if I still think that she knows how to have fun.
Maybe a nightclub wasn't the right place for her little white innocent dress.
I smile.
She's probably the closer one to my type.
I drink my coffee and check the time.
Well I gotta go
I arrive at the studios. There are not a lot of people.
As I remember from the script the first scenes were just with Mark and not more than three people plus 2 droids, and not me.
I start wondering why I'm here today...
I see George a couple steps away.
I wave him and he reaches me.
"Harrison!" he exclaims "They're waiting for you in the dressing room."
"Where's the kid?" I ask.
I may begin a little worried.
"Oh Mark? He's home...Carrie called him this morning and he couldn't say nothing that made sense. So I preferred postpone the start of shooting to tomorrow. Let's give that boy time to perk up..." he explains.
Carrie called him?
Well I guess she really cares about him.
"So why are we here for?" I ask.
"You're supposed to be here to try on your costume, by the way! I'll work the rest out..." he says flipping through some paper.
I nod and I walk towards the dresser trailer.
"Can I..." I say opening the door.
"Sure Harrison!" says Dylan smiling "I was waiting for you!"
I smile back.
"So...let's do this!" I say.
He nods and points some clothes perfectly bent on a chair.
I take them.
Seem cool.
I start unbutton my shirt as he interrupts me.
"Maybe you'd prefer change in the change room...but you have to wait for Carrie to come out.." he says.
I turn around and I see her coming out of that room.
She's wearing a long white dress with an argent belt.
I smile.
"Why are you smiling?" she asks taking her hair on one side.
"You're very...charming.." I answer.
And she is.
"Oh with you it's all about charm, my friend.." she says smiling.
I look at her one more time before going dress myself.
I get out of the change room wearing blue pants with a red line on the side and a yellow shirt with the top buttons unbuttoned.
"Perfect!" Dylan exclaims.
I see Carrie half smiling.
"Just add this..." he continues giving me a black vest.
I wear it as George knock at the door.
"Come in!"
He does and smiles as he sees me and Carrie dressed up.
"It's perfect Dylan! I knew that I could have counted on you!" he says giving a pat on his shoulder.
"I don't know..." I say "...I look like a..."
"Smuggler!" says Carrie.
"That's what you are, my friend!" George adds.
I smirks.
I'll force me to like it...
Our director looks at my co star.
"Carrie darling...I have to tell you something..." he starts taking her shoulders "...in space...They don't have...underwear..."
I open my eyes wide.
She starts laughing but she stops as she see that George's serious expression hasn't changed.
"You're kidding right?" she asks scared.
He shakes his head.
I see Carrie as she's trying not to yell out some bad words to our Georgey.
I can't help but laugh.

he glares me.
"George, when you say no underwear.." Dylan starts "..you mean no bra and no-"
"No no! No bra would be enough!" he says probably intimidated by Carrie's look.
She snorts and get back in the change room.
She gets out wearing the same dress but without...Well...
I smile and she immediately understands.
"Can I get back in my clothes and bra now?" she says faking a smile.
"Sure!" George says quickly.
"And you too Harrison, we're done for today, se you the day after tomorrow to start shooting!" adds Dylan.
I nod and I wait for Carrie to came out before going changing myself.
When we're both ready they dismiss us.
We get out of the trailer.
"Need a drive home?" I say imitating Mark's voice.
She laughs.
"No thanks, I have my sister's car.." she says walking away.
I smile by myself.
After all...se could be a great friend...
"Carrie! Wait!" I say running towards her.
She turns around as she was opening her car.
"Why don't we...do something?" I ask.
"Yes! I mean...We have the rest of the day free and...I'd really like us to be closer friends."
She smirks.
"We can be friends Harrison..." she starts "...but I don't think we like the same things.."
"How do you know!? Look, you've seen what I do for fun and...you don't like it.." I smile and she smiles back shyly.
"Let me se what you do for fun..."
She esitate before nodding.
"Great! So...if Your Worship wants to join me for the ride.." I say opening my car door.
She laughs and gets in.
"So what you wanna do?" I ask.
She looks at me and I start trembling.
Harrison...get ready to brush some dolls!

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