{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2} [21]

Começar do início

"He's to old for you Andy and Matt would kill him."

"I...I...I don't konw what you are talking about."

His eyes fixed on mine and his lips curved up into a twist barely resemebling the smile I was familiar with.

"Andy, you still don't lie well and it was written all over your face. You're just lucky that he's oblivious anymore to girls your age and that Matt wasn't paying attention."

"I honestly don't know...."

"Andy even Zacky has seen the way you look at him."

I groaned. "I can't help it Jason! The guys my age are so...."

"Boys?" Jason said dryly.

I sighed understanding the point behind Jason's barb.

"I'll try harder."

 "Good, because I'm pretty sure Matt's going to assign him as you and Jimmy's personal bodyguard on the tour."

"What?" I screeched.

Jason's eyes glanced towards the door but thankfully Matt's laughter covered my screech.

"He's mainly worried about Jimmy being in that environment now but you've grown up a lot too Andy and some of the guys out there are bound to notice."


"It's going to happen Andy, and it will be in your hands as to whether or not Danny will stay on the tour."

I swallowed hard as Jason slipped the clean shirt on. We headed back out.

"Well that took a minute what did you have to do wash it?" Danny chuckled.

"I..uh..no, I accidentally mixed it in with Matt's clothes."

"Ah, well I was just stopping by to discuss some tour stuff but I can come back later since you guys are busy."

"No, it's fine." I said and saw Jason give me a sharp look. I blushed and grinned at Jason. "I don't have any more clean clothes for Jason so if you want to take him and Matt out of the danger zone Dakota and I can make the jello and dinner. You'll be staying right?"

"Well I don't want to be a bother."

I rolled my eyes at Danny. "It's not a bother. We always make extra. Besides you can help Matt and Jason keep Dakota in line."

I started grabbing clean bowls from the cupboards and filled the pan with more water to heat. They guys made their way out of the kitchen talking. I felt Matt give my shoulder a squeeze and I smiled at him. Things may always be complicated between us but I know he's trying.

With relative ease and only a couple minor accidents later, Dakota and I have dinner on the table.

"Dakota will you tell the guys dinner is done?" I asked as I prepared a tray.

"Sure." I smiled as he scampered out of the kitchen.

I exited with the tray in my hands and King at my heels. He followed me up the stairs and waited patiently while I opened the door to my mom's room.

"Mom, I brought dinner."

"Oh I thought Matt was coming back up."

"Danny stopped by and since Jason was here they thought it was a good time to discuss tour business. I told them I didn't mind."

"That's good of you honey."

I carefully sat down on the edge of the bed still balancing the tray. She had sat up in the bed but was still very pale and had violet smudges beneath her eyes. King sighed and laid on the carpet at the foot of the bed.

{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora