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    When I was asked whether I would like to change the life I lived, my most immediate response might be yes. I can sum up nearly off the top of my head what it was like in one word: horrendous.
    But if I think a little longer, I realize I'd prefer to keep everything the way it happened. Now, granted I would change a few minor details. Don't lie, we all would. There's only one thing that I would change. If I could do it over again, I would choose to listen to my instincts when I most needed them. That was my worst mistake.
    Now, I know what some of you are probably thinking.
    "Kurtis, why is your biggest mistake not the time you joined a murder party?"
    Ha! Obviously you haven't read the whole story. And of course there are others who will say,
    "Murder party? What's that? Are you a bad guy?"
    To that I can't answer. I think I'm afraid that if I think about it honestly, the answer is yes. Maybe if you read a bit more, you'll discover why.
    Now, again there'll be those such as my mother who say, "Kurtis Warren Schubert you are not a bad guy."
    And to that I say, "Ha!" And, "You obviously don't know me."
    But, I'll let you judge. Why don't we just take a step back, and begin from the beginning.

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