Chapter 2

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The sun rose over the horizon, disturbing James from his sleep. It was only 5:30 in the morning but he knew he wouldn't be able to rest for any longer. He pulled himself out of bed, got dressed and made his way down to the kitchen. Beer bottles lined the counters and dining table. Looks like Tyler brought home the party last night. Knowing his older brother, he probably had a girl up in his room right now, even though our parents are in the house.

James glanced at the calender, his eyes landing on his 17th birthday next week. If he was the next alpha he would have to find his mate soon, but he wasn't. It was Tyler, who had no intention of finding a mate anytime soon. He made some toast, still dwelling on his stupid brother. A tanned, black haired girl entered the kitchen, grabging her purse off the table.

'Hi.' James muttered, startling her. She stared at him before fleeing the room and heading out the door. Probably thought i was going to rat her out. At least she was a werewolf this time, humans aren't meant to be around here. Just then Tyler stumbled in sleepily, squinting in the bright sun.

'Where's... she gone? You scare her off?' Tyler asked, smirking.

'What, didn't bother to learn her name.' James scolded, finishing his piece of toast and retiring to the living room. 'You should be more responsible. Actually find a mate, you are an alpha now.'

'What actually choose to fall in love and never do anyone else again. Don't think so.' he scoffed, 'By the way, were calling a pack meeting with the moonlight pack. Don't ask why just go to the meadow at 12.'

James felt a pang of sadness hit his heart as he remembered the meadow, where he had last seen his best friend. He can remember the hurt in her eyes when he wouldn't stick up for their friendship, how much that hurt him but he wanted her safe and that was the only way. He slumped himself on the sofa, tired of his sadness since that day.

He was an omega, looked down apon by many of his pack except his mate, Vincent. And at a loss without his best friend.

'Stop moping, it's not that bad.' Tyler snapped but James ignored him.


'Apparently there are some really fit chicks in the moonlight pack.' Vincent said, concentrating on the other side of the meadow intently.

'Is that all you can think about.' James chuckled, stepping forward so he was in the front of the pack with his dad. Just because he was an omega doesn't mean he wasn't the soon of the alpha. Tyler was on Alaric's right, with mum and the beta just behind them. Everyone changed into there human form, except dad, waiting for the moonlight pack.

'Duh!' Vincent shrugged from the edge of the woods, causing James to laugh again. The figure of a wolf appeared at the otherside of the meadow, followed by his wife and beta. Alaric silenced the pack and changed into a human, as did the other alpha.

'As you know, the hunters have gathered to create a 'pack' of their own.' Alaric announced,speaking to both packs. 'This is very dangerous as we already know what they can do when there is only one of them.'

'Also a number of rouge wolves have been thought to entered the area with the intention of taking over a pack.' Philip added. There was a pause, as the alphas seemed to deliberate something. Philip cleared his throat and continued talking, 'We have thought over this long and hard, deciding to... Unite the packs.' Gasps of shock echoed from the members of both packs, followed by quite muttering. Alaric growled, quieting the werewolves.

'We are doing this through the marriage of my son, Tyler Black and your daughter Sky Wynter.' He finished and James' head snapped up. He couldn't believe it, Sky was going to marry his player of a brother. He could feel himself getting angry but he controlled it.

From out of the trees, a sleek, white wolf made it's way towards her father before changing into a 16 year old girl. She had a stunning figure, with long wavy blond hair. The black skinny jeans and leather jacket gave her an edge along with those dark blue eyes, which projected that she was angry. This wasn't the same Sky James knew, she was happy and joyful whereas this new wolf was dark and mean.

'The marriage will take place a month today, you are now dismissed.' Philip said and everyone except the alpha families left. They approached each other, standing only meters away.

'At least i'm marrying a fit one.' Tyler grumbled, earning him a growl from Sky. Philip held out a hand to stop his daughter, which scared James a little. What had happened to the Sky he knew? The two alphas nodded to each other before retreating. Sky was about to go with them but James called her back.

'What?' she snapped, looking him up and down.

'It's me James, don't you remember me?' he asked, feeling a knot form in his stomach at the thought of her not remembering him. She furrowed her eyebrows before turning her back on him.

'I don't talk to omegas.' She scorned over her shoulder before running off into the forest. James couldn't believe what he had just heard. She's not Sky anymore, she's a changed wolf.

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