Enchanted Secrets

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"I think I heard him this way!" Said Emma. She was stressed, her forehead was sweating and her eyes were heavy from the lack of sleep.

"Killian?! Killian?!" She shouted turning round the corner of the underground mines. She felt a hand on her shoulder,

"Hey, Emma it's okay, we will find him. Let's just take a breather okay?"

Emma turned around to look into the chocolate brown eyes of Regina Mills. It was at times like these that Emma wondered how she could be the evil queen when she carried so much love in her eyes. But then, I suppose, love is a dangerous weapon. Regina's eyes steadied her and she took some deep breaths and her heart rate began to slow down. Regina smiled,

"That's better."

Emma smiled back. She wouldn't know what she would do with Regina to help her through this tough time. She can tell she had been through this pain before: the feeling of loosing someone you love, the fear of never seeing them again, the ache of wanting just one more kiss. Yet something about how Regina was looking at her felt more than a sympathetic connection, almost as if she was feeling that way right now as Emma was. Almost as if Regina felt that way about Hook...

35 years ago in the Enchanted Forest...

"I passed the test." Hook said bluntly. Regina studied his face. Yes, she thought, he had. She was tempted to comfort him, show compassion after he had been forced by her to kill his father. But she stood standing in the doorway, her tight corset pushing her cleavage closer together and her fitted pants showing off her petite figure. She took a while to respond,

"Well done," she said finally, "I never doubted you."

He looked up at her, pushing the past behind him and put back on his smirk,

"So, milady, am I going to be rewarded?"

She stepped closer toward him raising her eyebrows and tugging on his jacket. They were millimetres apart and she could hear his heart beating faster and felt his warmth breath on her neck. She broke the tension with a passionate kiss and he responded with hunger and desire. The vault windows quickly steamed up and this time they didn't do it just because they could, it was because they both wanted to.


Regina woke in the morning with a smile on her face. That was a strange feeling. The other strange thing was the fact her head was placed on a naked warm chest belonging to a pirate.

"This is new." She said and sat up. Lying next to her the body squirmed and he opened his eyes.

"Good morning, my majesty." He perched up to her height propping himself on his elbow and kissed her neck softly.

"Yes it is a good morning, captain." She said and turned to him, "and it will be an even better evening when you come back with what I want."

Hook sunk back into the mattress. 'Looks like she is just using you. I don't know why your complaining, you do the same to all the lasses. But Regina...she's different. Maybe...' His thoughts were trailed off by him noticing Regina walk out of the room. Before he could get up and walk towards her she said,

"Meet me upstairs when you put on some clothes, pirate." And she poofed herself away, to her main bedroom where she felt more at home. She hated the fact she couldn't look him in the eyes this morning. She hated the way she was worried about what her mother might do to him if he fails.

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