Lets Sing Our Song

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Clear was at Aoba's house, he had been downstairs most his time visiting. A little awhile ago he had been around the blue haired male, but Clear had taken notice of how sleepy his master was and left so he could sleep. It was silly yes, since the two were dating, but the albino couldn't help but give his master privacy. He wasn't wearing his mask at the moment as he was watching TV about to fall asleep, till he heard a soft gentle voice singing. The thing was, the voice was singing his lullaby, Clear stood up and headed upstairs to Aoba's room and opens the door slowly trying to be quite taking his time walking through the room he saw Aoba on the balcony, leaning against the railing singing. The robot shuts his eyes and smiles listening to Aoba's wonderful voice, it was so soft and sweet like a spring breeze. In Clear's opinion, his master's voice could make flowers blossom and even the most upset people smile. Clear moved a bit closer till he was outside now hearing the words better.

"Sway, sway, swaying between the waves Sparkle, sparkle, sparkling, their voices drift into the distance The dreaming jellyfish sing their song
and sleep on the gentle shore." Aoba sung to himself or so he Thought anyways,a little bit before he had planned on sleeping but couldn't, he had Clear's lullaby stuck on his head. Aoba had always adored the albino's voice it would always set him at ease if he was stressed or had nightmares. Just as he was about to sing again, he heard a certain someone's voice sing the next lines. "Sway, sway, swaying, a ray of light Sparkle, sparkle, sparkling, their voices drift to you No matter when, as long as this song echoes out in many colors, they hang in the clear sky."Clear stood next to Aoba and smiles sweetly. "Couldn't sleep Aoba-san?" Slowly he pulled the bluenette into a warm tender embrace and stares down at him. Aoba chuckles lightly holding onto the other, "It was hard to sleep, you song and voice trapped in my head. I had to give it a try for myself." Clear smiles and kisses Aoba's lips. "You sounded amazing, your voice almost put me to sleep. You should sing more often." This made Aoba blush and look away embarrassed. "Come on now Clear don't say embarrassing things like that." The albino didn't let go of the embrace, "Aoba, will you sing with me?" He grabs his hand and kept the other on Aoba's hip. The bluenette glances at him and smiled softly. "Yeah, I'd love to Clear." They never broke eye contact. "Sway, sway, swaying between the waves Sparkle, sparkle, sparkling, their voices drift into the distance The dreaming jellyfish sing their song and sleep on the gentle shore Sway, sway, swaying, a ray of light Sparkle, sparkle, sparkling, their voices drift to you No matter when, as long as this song echoes out in many colors, they hang in the clear sky Sway, sway, swaying between the waves Sparkle, sparkle, sparkling, their voices drift into the distance
The dreaming jellyfish play their song Sparkle, sparkle, sparkling, their voices drift to you." Together that night under the stars the two sung for each other, and they loved every second of it.

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