A Lost Boy

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Peter twirled through the starry lit sky as he soared back to NeverLand. He had just delivered Wendy, her brothers and the rest of the lost boys to the Darlings' home in Bloomsbury, London. He felt rather proud of himself for defeating Hook, but Peter was most excited for Hooks inevitable return. That would mean Peter could defeat him again. Any thoughts of Wendy and the Lost Boys had escaped from thought and were nothing more then clouded memories.

      Tinker Bell was a completely different story, she was beginning to like the Wendy girl. Not to mention she considered the Lost Boys her closest friends who came second only to Peter. Speaking of which, she was now staring nervously at Peter and wondering if he was thinking of their dear friends too. Tinker Bell did not have to ponder the thought for long as Peter shouted joyously, "Tink! Can you believe we beat Hook! I can't wait until we can fight him again!"

Tinker Bell stopped flying in surprise to stare at the boy clad in green. Peter continued talking and flying until he realized the little fairy wasn't following him. He turned around and flew back to where she was hovering, "Tink aren't you coming?"

Tinker Bell hesitated before replying, debating if she should even bring it up, "Peter, don't you miss Wendy and the Lost boys?"

Peter Pans eyes widened, "Tink how could you say something like that! They aren't gone! They just went home. We'll come back and fetch them again and have grand adventures!"

The little fairy shook her head, "We won't see them every day, and eventually they might grow up and stop believing. Even if they continue to believe, they will have lives on the Main Land, they won't be able to come back to Never Land Peter."

Peter Pan stared at Tinker Bell in shock, as true fear sank into the young boys bones. More real and much more scary then Captain Hook trying to kill him. After all he would always win those fights in the end. However, age and belief is not something Peter could fight. This realization terrified him, because he would ultimately lose this battle, and the cost of this battle - were his friends. Before Peter could even think, his mouth opened and angry words tumbled out, "Tink our friends would never forget us! If you can't realize that, then your not my friend! They will believe! They have to! Until you realize that - I never want to see you again!"

Tinker bell cried out, "Peter, no! I didn't mean it!"

By then it was too late, Peter had already flown faster and faster until he got to Neverland and crashed upon the sandy beach. You have to realize, he was scared and his thoughts were not very happy at all. You see, Peter Pans happy thought, was never having to grow up at all and that things would never change. Peter Pan never wanted to grow up because of the responsibility that would burden him, the heavy hopes and dreams of his parents weighed heavy on his shoulders. After all he was but a young boy without a care in the world. So when he met Tinker Bell one 'changing of the seasons', he decided that NeverLand would be his escape. Peter learned to fly with Tinker Bells help, and they flew off to NeverLand. After that came the tales of Hook, the lost boys, and other wonderful stories of adventures, but that is for another time.

Now poor Peter lay crumpled upon the beach, sobbing as he realized he was all alone. NeverLand was so connected to the boy that the sky soon began to cry along with him. The rain fell like tiny knives piercing against Peters skin, everything hurt. He felt as though Hook had finally won the war and had pierced his very heart and soul. Deep down inside, Peter knew it wasn't Hooks fault for Wendy and the Lost Boys leaving. However the child like part of Peter was still trying to figure out a way to cope, and in this case it was by blaming someone else. It is much easier to blame one man, then time itself. After all he could fight a man but not time. So that is just what Peter set out to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2016 ⏰

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