Prologue: Disrupted

Start from the beginning

Ronnie feigned a gasp and allowed his mouth to be agape. “Wolves are so much more smooth and suave then you slinky sneaky tigers!” he exclaimed, pointing a finger at Milo. “We are so much better eaters than tigers!”

 I placed a hand over my mouth, giggling as they continued arguing. I took the time to finish my slice of cake before the two of them both turned to me and forced me into their dispute.

“Don’t tigers eat smoother than wolves?” Milo insisted.

“No, wolves eat smoother than tigers, don’t they, Desi?”

I looked back and forth between the two of them. “Considering that I’m not a tiger or a wolf I wouldn’t know?”

Milo groaned loudly. “Aw, come on, Desi! You don’t have to be nice. It won’t hurt his feelings.”

Ronnie scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Of course it won’t hurt my feelings because she’ll tell you that wolves are much better at it!”

“Let’s go for a swim, shall we?” I interceded. “It’s my birthday, let’s not spend it arguing over eating etiquette.”

“Fine,” Milo and Ronnie said in unison.

I smiled and then reached up and kissed both of their cheeks. Sometimes, they behaved as if they weren’t already eighteen. I knew it was to entertain me more than anything and I never minded it.

We headed to the lake that wasn’t too far away and I stripped down to the two piece bikini that I was wearing beneath them. Once I was down to that I dived into the lake where various others were lounging.

“Hey it’s the birthday girl!” one guy shouted, his dimples showing. “Let’s welcome her properly.”

I smiled and shook my head. “Nooo!” I protested, turning and swimming away rapidly.

“I’ve got her!” Milo shouted as he chased after me.

“No, Milo! No!” I shouted with laughter, as he captured my legs.

I knew what was coming next and I wasn’t looking forward to it. Being tickled, then having shots of alcohol drunk from your stomach, then being kissed by every single and available male wasn’t my thing. They did it for their own fun, but they believed that everyone sixteen and older should be kissed at least once before ever meeting their mate. Mates weren’t looked down upon, we still valued them. Probably more so than those spoiled pack life brats. More than one of the shifters had been rejected for not being good enough. Some of us settled down with shifters who weren’t our mates.

“I call first kiss!” Milo shouted.

“No one is kissing—”

 A loud commotion came from the edges of the woods around the lake and we all turned to see what was going on.

“In the name of the Council we are here to collect one Ryan Simmons and Angelica Simmons. You can either turn yourselves in willing or we’ll have to determine for ourselves, who is who.

All around were members of the nearest pack of wolves and members from the jaguar pack that was a few miles from there. They surrounded us with guns aimed at any and everyone, including the children. I didn’t hesitate to move. I swam to the shore and rushed forward to get to the children.

“Have you no standards or morals at all?” I screamed in outrage. “Quit pointing your fucking guns at these innocent children.”

I grabbed the ones nearest me and shoved them behind me. I would protect them with my life if I could. They wouldn’t be harmed. A few of them sobbed openly and I snarled allowing my shifter to surface. My eyes changed in color and my canines elongated. I would pounce if I had to. They wanted my parents. I couldn’t let them have them. My mother and father were my whole entire world. I hadn’t spoken to my dad since the morning, when he had given me a gift.

What did they want with my parents?

From behind me some of the elder women came forward and moved the children away from direct aim of the guns. They weren’t regular guns, I knew that. They were more than likely tranquilizers.

One man from the midst of them stepped forward and he looked directly at me. He continued walking until he was in front of me.

“Who are you to question the actions of the Council?” he thundered.

From sniffing him, I could tell he was a jaguar shifter. I folded my arms across my chest. As rogues we didn’t follow any laws set by the Council, unless we chose to.

“The real question is, who does the Council think they are to try and dictate every aspect of our lives?” I retorted. “Who the hell are you to come here ruining my birthday party with this bullshit?”

His eyebrows darted up and his eyes widened, before his shoulders tensed with outrage. “Step back, child. They broke the law daring to set up the beginnings of our exposure. You can’t dare question that!”

I arched an eyebrow. Wanna bet? “They would never do something as foolish as that. They’re not here. So why don’t you go scram along with your domesticated pets?”

His nostrils flared and he stepped closer. This time he was so close that his shirt brushed against my bikini top and legs touched mine. He stared down into my eyes for a minute, before he inhaled deeply. Then a growl escaped him.

“Foolish, brainwashed child,” he snapped. “I don’t believe that any more than I believe that rogues aren’t up to the threats of exposing our kind to humanity!”

His voice was a dull roar by the time, he finished speaking.

What the hell was he talking about? Rogues organizing to expose all of us to humans? I didn’t know anything about that. None of us did.

I narrowed my eyes. “Throwing a tantrum will get you nowhere,” I retorted, standing toe to toe with him. “Maybe you’re the one who is brainwashed. None of us would ever be ignorant enough to think that exposing ourselves to humans would be a help to our kind.”

He snarled. “Line up all of you,” he commanded. “We won’t stop until we find them, even it means dragging you all to Romania to meet with the Council.”

He looked at me again with a glimpse recognition. “You look just like her with his eyes. You’re their only child. I will take all three of you back to make an example of all of you! Your parents will be tried and you will be given to a pack to become civilized. You could stand to learn a lesson in manners.”

I scoffed and then laughed in his face. “No, no. I won’t be doing that at all. Nor will they be tried by anyone. You could stand for a lesson in manners, leadership and etiquette.”

He reached forward as if to grab me, and I side stepped him. I knew that in a fair fight, I wasn’t likely going to win. Milo and the others would no doubt step in and I didn’t want that. I knew I looked strong and rebellious to any who looked but I wasn’t. I was scared for my parents. Tears were near and I knew that if these

Just as I was preparing myself to battle my parents exited the house and looked around in shock. Then they composed their features as the jaguar shifter moved away from me and toward them.

“Arrest them,” he ordered.

Six men moved forward from the woods, their guns aimed at my parents. As they stood there surrounded, I felt the first tear splash down my arm and I couldn’t help but look at them.

“I love you, Desi,” my mom said, looking at me before she was grabbed roughly by one of the men along with my dad.

“I love you too,” I replied, tears streaming down my face as Milo’s arms came around my waist to keep me from moving forward and attacking the jaguar shifter. He knew me well. I would've went after that jaguar, regardless of the consequences.

I wasn’t staying behind. I had to see this supposed trial and Council.

Alright, so this is the beginning. First part. It's unedited as of now. 

Please, comment below and let me know what you think. All comments are appreciated. 

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