Chapter 2: Journey Begins!

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Six teen years later, there was a small village of farmers and fisherman. That's where Neo lived his life with his stepfather and not knowing the truth. So there Neo lived a simple and normal life but he was happy. He lived in a small farm where he lived side by side with animals like horse and dog but all the animals love Neo. Every day Neo would go to the fields to harvest the crops for his family to eat and most of them he sold it to the markets near the town. His father works as a blacksmith and even though he is old, he worked hard to earn money so he can support his family. Neo likes to read books about archeologist and the ancient and he also like to create things so he dreamed of becoming like his father, a blacksmith. Every day after work Neo would go to his father workshop and learn to create things from iron and metal like sword and armors. Neo also liked to play sword and he asked his father if he could teach him how to use weapons. So his father taught him and every day they would practice to use sword. Sometimes Neo went to the forest to practice his sword techniques that his father taught him. One day when Neo was searching for tools he found an emblem that had symbols in it but he didn't know what that was so he took it and brought it with him. The next day, when Neo was out on the woods to find fruits he got lost and it was raining too so he went to find a shelter and that's when he found a cave behind the big trees. He went inside and found a giant door that was crumbled because of an earthquake that happened a long time ago and in the door he saw some writings and drawings of the ancient people but he couldn't understand because of the broken door so he picked up the stones that was the part of the door and tried to put it into one again and it worked but then he saw a hole in the door but he couldn't find the last piece and that's when he saw a symbol on the hole and that it looked like the same symbol on the emblem he found, so he puts it in and the door opened . So after that, the door opened and behind the door there was a stair that leads to the bottom of the cave. Inside, there was beautiful cave, a lake filled with pure water and in the walls there were the writings and drawings of the ancient people again. He wondered around the cave until he came across a drawing of people that holds a magical stone that can give you magical power and there was some other people who have them too but one guy wasn't satisfied with just one power so he killed his friends to attain those but a guy stopped him and there was a clash between them from ages to ages they both build a clan so they can gather people to fight and the clans are Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Both clans fought using magical powers but no one ever wins until now. Then he saw writing in ancient words so he used his archeological knowledge to read and the writing said," Congratulations my descendants that means you're the chosen one. Now you will be my successor to hold the magical stone and use that to stop and end Alpha forever." Neo was confused with those words but by now he knew that he was the descendant of Omega clan. Then suddenly the wall cracked and a red magical stone that glows appeared behind the walls and Neo took it and suddenly the cave started to crumble and he quickly escapes and returned to the town. The next day he went to ask his father if he knew anything about the stone but his father said no. Then his father asked where he got that stone then Neo said from the cave in the forest. Neo said," this stone was said to have magical powers but I don't know how to use them." then his father said," hmm maybe let's try to combine that with a sword." Neo agreed .Next day Neo went to that cave again when he came across some stranger who were exploring the broken cave. So Neo hide in the bushes trying to hear their conversation. Neo heard about something about the stone and the two clans Neo thought that they were looking for him so he quickly ran but before he knew it he was caught by one of the stranger. They asked Neo what he is doing in the bushes but he didn't answer and they were about to kill Neo when his emblem fell and they didn't kill him. Neo was confuse so they explain everything to Neo that their names were Skye, Arthur and Samuel and they told him everything from the day that he was born until his parents died and they also explain that they are the remaining of the Omega clan which was now Acacia kingdom and that he was the next king to rule the kingdom. First, Neo was shocked and couldn't except this so he wanted to ask his father the truth. So they decide to go back to town and meet his father. Neo asked his father about the truth then he said, "sixteen years ago I found you floating in a river and I picked you up seeing none of your parents not around so I thought you were an orphan and I raised you and also I found that emblem attached to you. I knew when the time comes I will have to tell you but I didn't want to lose you because I'm lonely didn't have any family but when first you arrive I was very happy to have a family.'' .Then Neo said "I understand but I need to go now dad to get my revenge and stop the Alpha forever. His father understood him very well so he was ready to let neo go. The next morning Neo and his team are ready to go to Azazel kingdom and before they go Neo's father gave him a sword that he made by combining the stone and a sword and Neo's father told him that this sword was a magical sword that can control fire. Neo thanked his father for everything and leave to face his destiny. As Neo's journey continues he became stronger and stronger along with his team they faced many challenges together and fight enemies like goblins, bounty hunters, assassins, and it took a year to reach Azazel kingdom and finally they reached Azazel kingdom. Now they need to think of a plan to go inside the palace since the palace is so big so they need to have a full proofed plan and their main objective is to kill the king who holds the power to destroy the world.

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