Chapter One: Casteir

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  • Dedicated to Nate, Charles, and Meg.

Living as homeless orphans is hard in Divinity's Reach. People are hard on you.. Very hard. Our dream is to go to Lion's Arch, and live a good, normal life. Now you might say, "You can just go through the Asura gate, you don't know what you're talking about." Well, apparently you're not a homeless, or orphaned kid. They don't let trashy people through. You only see heroes go through there, or important people. They think we'll mess things up if we get to Lion's Arch. We've tried to get there, the guards won't let us. Everything was going great until we heard someone at the door, which was boarded up.. But we could here them un-boarding it.. I looked over at Ev, and nodded. She quietly went upstairs to my room, where we found a small hatch. She's supposed to hide in there if anyone comes in. The intruder banged on the door and yelled, "We know you're in there! By order of Queen Jennah, come out!" I knew that voice. "I am Commander Thackeray! Come out now!" He clipped off his words for more emphasis. I ran upstairs, leaping three steps at a time, and went into my room. "Get in the hallway, but don't let him see you, okay?" My sister nodded grimly, her eyes filled with fear.

I put my daggers on my belt and walked to the door, and opened it. There stood a man with brown hair down to the middle of his neck, he wore bright silver amor, and had a big sword to his side, and a shield on his back. I nodded my head, "Hello, Commander Thackeray.. My name is Casteir. What is it you need?" I asked a nervous tone to my voice. He looked at me, and for a split second a look of disgust washed over his face, then he smiled warmly. "The Queen would like to see you. Please bring your companion." He said. I whistled as we walked away, and Evangeline came running from out of the house, she had a small knife strapped to her waist, and looked at Logan, then me, as if to say Is he being serious, because he's hot!

I smiled at her, then motioned to keep quiet.

We walked and eventually reached the Palace. "Once inside you will see a man and a woman, go to them, and they will give you further instructions. Best of luck." He bowed slightly then walked away, leaving us in front of the huge doors that kept citizens from the palace. We walked in and saw the man and woman.

Ev and I walked to the man and woman and they stopped chatting at looked at us like we were roadkill. In unision they said, "No, no, no! Come, come." I walked with the man, who I later learned his name was Jare, and the womans name was Amora. He walked me up a few flights of steps and brought me into a suite. He picked out nice clothes that a nobleman would wear; Drawstring shirt, with a vest, slick shoes, and a pair of grey pants. He put them on the bed. "Now, on to the bathroom with you." I thought I heard him say "You probably have mold." but that could've been my imagination. I walked into the bathroom and saw the big tub, like a giant silver bowl, and the stain-glass window.. He nudged me forward and pulled a string. I heard a loud ringing noise like a bell outside of the room, and three maids hurried in, and helped me in the tub. Once I was really clean they began to show me how to put on the clothes Jare put out. Once I was nice looking they looked at each other, and nodded just to reassure themselves the Queen wouldn't execute me for having an outfit that didn't go with the latest trends. I was met with Evangeline standing downstairs talking to Amora. She looked over at me and laughed, probably because I looked funny in these clothes. She on the other hand looked beautiful. Her red hair was curled at the ends, her red and black dress looked stunning on her, and her skin.. It didn't look like she rolled in the dirt everyday. (Which she probably did in her free time.) As we were talking we heard a door open, then close.

We stood at attention, shoulder to shoulder, and watched as the Queen took her throne. She, also, looked stunning. She smiled and with a booming voice said, "Come forth!" in the sweetest way a Queen could tell her peasant subjects to obey her or be punished. Evangeline glanced at me nervously and I smiled encouragingly as we walked forth. "I know you may think I have brought you here to punish you. That's not the case, I assure you. Although I do not encourage stealing, I believe you have a talent with being.. skilled in the shadow arts. I would like you to be official Representatives of Divinity's Reach." She said smiling. She was obviously excited about this, but I couldn't figure out why. "Do you accept?"

Evangeline smiled widely and nearly jumped up and down. "I know I do!" I looked at her and smiled and decided, Why not? "I accept, Queen Jennah." I answered and bowed. "Excellent! You'll start tomorrow evening. When you wake up, get dressed, accompany Captian Thackeray, Countess Anise, and I with breakfast, then follow Captain Thackeray's further orders. You are dismissed, my Representatives." She said her last words with pride, and waved us off. Evangeline and I walked to our rooms and talked about how excited we were until we fell asleep.

When we woke up in the morning, we bathed, dressed, and went downstairs for breakfast. All was well until Anise said, "So, you all are the new pets?" Evangeline looked at her so fiercely, I thought she would whimper and crawl away. Nonetheless, she smiled obviously amused at Ev's reaction. They kept on trading evil looks at each other until the meal was over. We followed Logan to Queensdale, the large village of the Human race. He guided us to the Keep, and briefed us for our mission. "We need you to begin going to Orr. I would hope you explore the world before, find friends, so on." He told us. "Why are we going to Orr? Isn't that the Lost City of the Gods?" I asked him. Us Humans worship the Six Gods. Dwayna, Balthazar, Lyssa, Grenth, Melandru, and Kormir. "Yes. It was. Travelers have made it there, and set up camps." He told us. I was stunned by this news. Could this mean we could find the roots of the Gods and see why they have been silent for so long? Could we finally see their wonderous works again? "So, back to the point. Why are we going around Tyria and to Orr?" asked Evangeline. "Zhaitan has risen. I see now you all don't know of the Rise of the Elder Dragons." A lump formed in my throat. He went on, reading from something that looked like a letter scroll. "Zhaitan is the name given by dwarven legends to the Elder Dragon of Orr. Like its brethren, Zhaitan is ancient and unfathomable, and embodied a concept of nature—specifically, undeath. The presence of Zhaitan in the dwarven tales suggests that this is not the first time it has been seen in Tyria. Zhaitan feeds on magical energy to survive, using Eyes of Zhaitan as scouts and visuals aids in his domain while its Mouths of Zhaitan consume magical artifacts for the Elder Dragon. We've gathered all of this information. The Durmand Priory gave us information, adventurers, lost scrolls, and lots of prayer to the Six have helped. We have set new equipment in your rooms. You leave at sunrise. Good luck." He told us and swiftly walked away.

The rest of the day seemed a blur. I don't remember much, other than walking through Divinity's Reach to the castle. Passing laughing townsfolk. Charr, Asura, Sylvari, and Humans alike were talking, sharing stories and laughing. I had trouble sleeping, for I knew what the next day would bring. I feared what it would bring. I feared of this mission. But it must be done. They set out a hood, and leather armor, with metal plates on my shoudler. Thicker leather covered my chest. I had durable leather boots, and brand new daggers.

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