Summer Nights

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The following day Nicole finished settling in, humming to herself in content. She did not plan on going out and settled on staying in sleepwear all day before falling back onto the bed. There's no trouble in taking a lazy day now and again. Not a moment later the shrill ring of the phone caused her to harrumph in defeat and she reached over to it.

"This is Miss Carraway."

On the other end of the line she heard a delighted squeal.

"Nicky, my sweets! Is it absolutely true that you've made it to New York?"

Daisy. Nicole hadn't arrived but a day ago, and she only called her mother to tell her that she made it. There was no other way that Daisy would have her number. The thrill of loose lips spread like fire nowadays.

"Without a doubt, you never miss a beat, Daisy." Nicole chirped with effort, trying to match her cousin's excited tone. "I've just arrived."

"No doubt in pursuit of the arts! The next Van Gogh I imagine. Oh! -you must draw me darling dear." She enthused.

Truth be told Nicole came to New York strictly for business. She was a landscape painter straight out of Chicago, aching to see the country. She had visited the Rocky Mountains the year prior, and the golden coast some time back. Now it was time to capture the essence of New York and how roaring the twenties had treated it.

"You know that's not my expertise," Nicole paused, scratching her neck, "but show me those gams and there's no way I can refuse." She laughed, and Daisy joined in.

"Oh, how I've missed you! I haven't seen you since the..."

Daisy drifted off, and it made Nicole shift in her seat.

"Since what?"

There was a pause, and then a heavy breath on the other line.

"Since my wedding." She murmured. "I'm sorry, Nicky! I didn't mean to beat my gums. I called to see if you'd like to come to supper."

"Sounds charming."

There was no hesitation in Nicole's voice. Maybe her long lost cousin could use the company, and for a moment she dwelled on it.

"Let me get settled in though. How does Saturday sound?"

There was a breath of relief on the receiving end.

"Saturday it is." Daisy confirmed. "Seven o'clock! Oh-I must go! There's an ever entertaining golf tournament to attend. Bye Nicky!"

Nicole had whispered a goodbye into the line, but her cousin had already hung up.


As the week neared its end, Nicole woke Thursday morning with a bustle. A knock on the door startled her awake. Throwing on a robe she tumbled down the narrow stairs and swung the door open, squinting at the brightness outside.

She probably looked like a bird's nest.

"Sorry Miss, I didn't mean to cause such commotion."

The voice was old and lighthearted, and adjusting to the light, Nicole took in a well dressed gentleman carrying a silver tray.

"Oh, no fret."

She smiled at the visitor, still adjusting to the lighting.

"I'm here to bring an invitation over to the house. Mr. Gatsby would like to formally invite you to his party this Saturday night; a welcome to West Egg."

An invitation.

"Mr. Gatsby?"

Nicole's question died on her tongue as the man nodded in earnest.

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