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        A cold breeze blew through the Snowdin forests as the young ambitious skeleton, Sans, trudged through the deep frosty snow. He pulled his bright blue signature bandana up to his nose, attempting to block the biting cold that Mother Nature decided decided to blow. Without a destination in mind, he continued forward, until he noticed a lonely bench out in the middle of a small clearing. Why anyone would build a bench there, Sans didn't know. Nonetheless, he sat himself down on it, which was covered in a thin sheet of snow, finally releasing a sigh in relief. At last he was with no one but his own thoughts. After what had happened earlier that day, the only thing he wanted was to be alone. He doesn't have much time to himself as he's always running around completing duties for his training constructor, Alphys the Warrior. His lifelong dream is to become part of the underground's official security system, the Royal Guard, just like her, so he does anything to impress her, with hope she'll recruit him. His method is to capture a human. One last soul to save the underground. But at that moment, he had no intentions to impress or capture anyone. Most monsters wouldn't think Sans, the Magnificent Sans would be feeling like this. He's a little goofball constantly running around with his caring older brother, Papyrus, rambling about tacos and his aspirations. But just a few moments ago, he and his Papyrus got in a pretty nasty argument. The brothers don't fight much but when they do, it doesn't end well. Sans didn't have any intentions on hurting his only family, but he commented on Papyrus' laziness and he retaliated as if he was meant to ages ago. He just kept going on about how Sans was such a burden on him. Sans has never realized how he's been impacting his brother, and it hurt to find out the truth. But he'll always love Papyrus, despite the circumstances. Heck, Papyrus might've even been right. Sans has been aiming for this goal for such a long time and Alphys hasn't said anything about improvement for years. Sans looked down at the solid ground and sighed in disappointment. He rubbed his temple as he tries to look for a bright side.

        "Yeah... He's right." He finally said to himself, sadness in his voice.

In the distance, a very evil intentioned creature was watching the puzzled skeleton. She goes by the name, Temmie, for reasons unknown. This compassion drained monster loves to watch Sans. He's her favorite subject. Her favorite one to play with. His high pitched cheery voice and loving composure has always captivated her attention. But after she found her life changing power to reset, even he gets repetitive just like all the others. Thankfully, with a slight change of action or dialogue, she has something new to play around with in her predicting world. She always encountered Sans when he was palling around with his pathetic excuse of a brother. But if she hurries up in the pacifist infested ruins, she catches them in an argument. She has always lets them work it out themselves to avoid consequences. She's seen them fight, apologize, and make up way to many times to count. It was getting cheesy and disgusting to watch for her. Suddenly an idea lit up in her head. What if she conducted a little... Experiment? The one thing Temmie despises about Sans is his aggression performance. She hadn't seen him hurt a single monster. Kind of makes it hard to believe he'd actually capture a human. But Temmie can't help but wonder... What happens if she intervenes after his dispute with his brother? What would happen if she helped Sans increase his LV and EXP? Sans hadn't met Temmie yet in the timeline they were in right now, so it might be difficult to start, but Temmie always loves a challenge. Plus, that other useless piles of bones wouldn't be in the way. Sans would get everything he's ever wanted. He'd surely get into the Royal Guard. He'd finally stop being so wimpy! Temmie smiles at the idea.

        "tIS es SO much moar intResting." She cackled quietly.

Experimentation: An Underswap Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें