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I believe you all are wondering why I hate Jake so much well it's pretty simple I hold grudges and the biggest one I have is against Jake. Jake is black american and comes from his dad is from where I come from a beautiful country in west africa since my parents are well to do and all I had the chance to gro to the best of schools relatively in my middle school Jake was a classmate actually a senior because eventually I asked grades in high school. He was relatively smart then, actually he was one of the smartest boys in the school. He used to collect so many awards and I admired him. I used to ran in middle school too I was good. well one day I had the race to run and I was prepping for it it was in a 3 days and I was prepared I stayed after school to to a little self timed ran and as I was running the final lap Jake who had been standing on the sides waited till I was a few meters away and dropped a banana peel I saw it too late and even though I swerved the peel I tripped and fell really badly. Unknown to me Jake had taken a video of it and on the day of the race when I was running (I was winning) the stadium projectors stopped showing what was the field but me tripping and falling the whole stadium burst into laughter and when I saw it I just stopped in my tracks literally in front of the finished line even though I gathered myself and crossed and won I was the laughing stock of everyone that video went viral. Jake didn't know me then and he doesn't know me now so what's the harm in that I hate him but I am going to help him because my track team needs him and I am not stupid so as to ask for help due to something that happened years ago but I am going hate him and find another time to ruin him. But that was something I was going to trouble myself with later right now I needed his help and he needed mine. Now that you know this please don't judge me too harshly.

So enough of the ranting as I know you don't hate me let's go back to the story. After I walked out on Jake I went to my next lecture as today was one of the days I had all my lecture in the morning it was time for my calculus class and I found it ironic as to how I ran away from calculus back in high school only to come meet it again here. (cue the exasperation) I entered the class and due to my little conversation with Jake I was almost late I found a spot took out my recorder and prepared for the class. It was not bad but I was tired math just drowned me I mean I didn't hate math I hated just calculus and I would do everything to go back in time to prevent although who had anything to do with the birth of calculus from being born it would make my life easier but the world won't be as it is now so I guess that would be a bad idea. I got out of the class and headed for the chemistry depart one of the teachers wanted me to do some research for him that was good for me I reasoned and I didn't have any class today so what the heck I was going to spend hours behind a computer and a piece of paper, ok loads of papers but it would all be worth it I guess.

Everything took less time than I expected so I checked my schedule and saw it was lunchtime I went straight to a cafeteria and got myself stir fries and some chicken I was feeling indulgent so I went for some ice cream too. After my big lunch I went to the hostel for a little break before my routine work out and learning session. I got into my car and was about to leave when I received a text message. I decided it could wait till I had connected my phone to the car system. After I took out the phone and I saw a message from an unknown number.

Few people had my number namely my parents my siblings and the lecturers I was close to I didn't have any friends in case you haven't noticed because I knew on the path I had taken friends were going to be a distraction I mean there were people I talked to but that was it they didn't have my number and had to wait for me to log on to social media something I made a point to do at least once a week I didn't want to be friendless and die old and lonely besides they had me every summer. During the summer my friends go to pick a destination where we would go to catch on all that had happened during the year. We were usually together for a month or six weeks. They were crazy fun. I always made them pick because I wanted them to enjoy themselves and that way the argument wouldn't go on forever as as usual we always had a hard time deciding the final location I say we in this because when all the suggestions eventually poured in and we had to decide we did it together. Usually after about 3 hours arguing on Skype.

I got carried again didn't I. I realized I was at the traffic light before my branch to the off campus apartment I lived at. I decided to open the text when I got home. When I arrived I took a moment and opened the message it read

hey its Jake I need to meet with you to discuss how we are going to do this also why you hate me.


The first thing that came to mind of course was how he got my number. I saved his number since it was inevitable and texted back.

How did you get this number?


In less than a minute I received a reply.

As you can see I don't spend all my time partying and having fun as you wrongly accused. I asked one of the lecturers in the biochemistry department after i realized no student had your contact. I received a very stern warning as to me making sure I don't distract you from our studies blah blah.


Well that sort of made sense now where would be ideal i thought to myself probably the gym. I would be there working out and knowing him and his cocky ways will unintentionally give me pointers to prove he was good. (eye roll) I replied.

I will be t the gym at 4 pm be there when I get there. I picked up an apple just for the sake of it and began thinking about my day in total I decided to listen to the lecture recordings I made today. I just listened just allowing the things the lecturer was saying assimilate into my brain in the quiet of the apartment this was one of my many ways of learning just listening over and over picking up things I missed before and gradually processing everything. Rewinding when i thought I had heard something and stuff like that. At exactly 3:15 my alarm went off I got up threw the half eaten apple way and went to change into workout clothes I grabbed black track pants and a Camo tank top I grabbed my water bottle filled it and set of for the gym. I walked. I arrived a minute to 4 and went to sign in. Jake entered at exactly for at least he was prompt I wouldn't have to worry about that on any given day hopefully.

"Well I see you are here and on time?"

"I'm not what you think I am"

"well I don't care. Now you have to talk to me whiles I work out we will sort everything out in the span of the next 90 minutes."

"You train 90 minutes everyday?"

"Sometimes 120 minutes why?"



"I was thinking we meet 3-5 times a week for studies and 6 times a week for training"

" Not bad we meet in the library for the study lessons and here for the training"

"I don't want to meet here for the training"

"We are meeting here for the training"

"Why should we meet here for me to train you when I am the one training you so i get to decide the location and the fact that I have a home gym and a different training style."

" I keep forgetting your parents are rich and you are a showoff. I am not ready to waste my precious gas to drive to your house and back so we train here" Petty I know.

"We will go everyday after you teach me"

"I don't do things back to back besides I will have to change if you haven't realised I carry only my gadgets around"

"I will drive you home and then I will come get you"

"Who says I want you to know where I live?"

"I already know that" Jake mumbled.

"What "

"Nothing so what do you think"

"I still think we should meet here for the training"

"Do you want to be picked out for this year's meet or not."

"I do"

"Then this discussion is over and by the way you should be running level 6 if you want to achieve anything." He left I guess we were even.

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