There was sudden silence, and then gasps.

The helmet fell to the floor, and Cora's face was revealed.

I studied her, her shinning blue eyes were filled  with so much hate and rage.

Good little girl.

Her long ink black hair flowed around her shoulders, her dark eyebrows  remained still and frozen, her dark red lips formed into a straight line.

The man from the other planet was right, she was quite...beautiful.

Her anger only made her more attractive and if only she was ugly, or a man all together, then all of this would be so much easier.

But no she has to be stunning, and looking at me with so much power, and hate...

"And now you...Lord Ren" came her light feathery voice.

The expressions amongst the townspeople was almost priceless as they started at Cora.

I smirked, and cracked open my helmet.

I didn't have as big a problem, my appearance may come as somewhat of a surprise, considering many thought the mask hid a deformed horrid beast, but it wasn't as big a deal as hiding my gender all together.

"This is your murderer..." I looked at her "A little girl..."

Her face twitched in irritation, but she said nothing.

"How about a battle with no Saber?" I asked with a slow smile, "pure physical force? Hmm?"

She knew she might lose, and that didn't seem like a chance she wanted to take.

I had a plan on taking her down, she was too powerful to attack on my own, and I couldn't take the small chance that she would win.

But as I stared at her quivering stance, her eyes bleeding into mine, I felt a lurch inside of me, something shifting.

I held out my hand to her, and she seemed completely appauled, her face twisted into surprise.

I must earn her trust...I need to do this emotionally...

But for some reason...I didn't want to cause her harm, she seemed to fragile...though I knew she was quite the opposite.

She closed the distance between us. Her hand still firmly placed over her saber.

"This can all go away." I said softly to her.

Her expression hardened, her eyes seemed to shift into an impossible blue.

"How?" She asked as she looked around at the shocked faces of the civilians.

"You come with me." I said slowly, forming the words as I said them.

"Excuse me?"

"Not back to the base, you know where Luke Skywalker is..." Her eyes widened, and she knew I had found her secret.

"We can find him together." I offered, trying to hide my anger at her for hiding his location from me.

"I...I didn't trust you." She said coldly.

"You can now. I swear to you, we can find him together, we will destroy him, no one can stop us, I just need you to help me find him."

She looked around, "how can I trust you...when you have given away my biggest secret?"

I turned towards a trooper, "have your men kill everyone in the city, and everyone in a six mile radius of the capital, no one can know what I have revealed."

He nodded, "yes sir."

I felt her ice hold hand grasp mine, and I looked at the contact between our intertwined fingers.

"You and me." I said softly.

I saw the storm burning inside her eyes, she nodded slowly.

"Y-you and me." She rasped.

I pulled her along with me to the ship, her body trailing...closely to mine.

I leaned down to her reluctant stance, "We will rule the galaxy together."

And as we walked past the people who were being killed I saw her shoulders somewhat relax, she knew, as much as I did, that we were now in this together.

Our fingers were intertwined just like our fate.

The New Age: Kylo Ren Star WarsWhere stories live. Discover now