Chapter two: Always with me

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*Andy's ghost POV*

I layed on Ame's bed waiting for her to get home from the cemetery. Ash, C, Jackie, Jake, Jinxx, and Mitch were all sat around her room as well. She is going to freak out when she sees us but oh well. That's the price we have to pay for her to leave and be with us. I just miss her so much, we've all been watching her silently for a while now, Mitch for 16 and a half years, us for 3.

The door down stairs opened and we all heard Ame start talking to Zayn and Alex about how tired she was, she had just got home from tracking vocals for her new EP and visiting the cemetery. Warped Tour also starts in 3 days, so she wanted to take a short nap before dinner. They both agreed and she began to make her way upstairs, pausing at the urns about halfway up and talking to them for a few minutes, which made us all smile. After she finished with that, she continued her way up the stairs and stopped right outside the bedroom door, probably looking at the pictures on her door, since she demanded that her, Zayn, Alex, Crow, Femme, Killer, Tokyo, Trixy, CC's pugs, and their husky Jindley Coma all live in the BVB house in LA because her happiest memories with us are in this house. I still can't believe she convinced Zayn to let all of our pets live with them, I guess it helps her cope with the fact we're not there anymore.

When she opened the door to her room and walked in, of course with all the animals following in a line right behind her, the 7 of us began to solidify a little bit. Me laying on the bed, Ash in the corner by his, now Ame's, Outlaw bass, CC in the chair by the desk, Jackie in the corner by the closet, Jake on the floor by CC, Jinxx next to the door (like a creeper), and Mitch leaning against the wall by her closet.

Ame walked over to her bed and layed down, which made her lay on me. She opened her mouth to scream but I sat up quickly and covered her mouth with my hand before she could. I saw fear in her eyes before she recognized that it was me while looking around her room and seeing all the guys. The fear in her eyes quickly turned to confusion then anger and finally settled on sadness.

"Hi Ame!" CC shouted.

"H-hi C." She mumbled back through my hand.

I saw Mitch looking at something that Ame had in her hands. I looked down as well and saw that Mitch was walking over to her out of the corner of my eye. Ame looked up when he crouched down in front of her. When she calmed down, I removed my hand from her mouth.

"What you got there hun?" Mitch asked her.

Ame pushed her now dirty blonde hair out of her eyes. "Oh. It's just a little thing Kena made for me."

Mitch held his hand out and Ame dropped a small bracelet in his hand, the bracelet had beads on it that said YOLOSJGFN with a separate bead that held a pic of Ame and Mitch on it. Mitch smiled a little and handed it back to her, helping her slide it on her small wrist. After he put the bracelet on, he reached his hand out hoping Ame would grab it, which is exactly what she did. Mitch pulled her up into a hug as Ame cried into his shoulder quietly, this caused the guys and I to all get up and join in the hug.

After we all pulled away from the hug Ame looked up at me and kissed my cheek. "I miss you guys so much. Why'd you have to leave me?" She asked through her tears.

It was Jinxxy who answered her. "Believe me Ame, we all miss you too. We've already reserved a spot for you up on the big stage in the sky with us."

Ame smiled at us before she yawned and we all laughed. "Are you tired?" Jake asked.

Ame nodded. "Well, go ahead and go to sleep, we'll stay until you fall asleep." Ashley told her.

Ame climbed in her bed as Jackie walked over and covered her up with her blanket with a pic of all of us on it, which meant that all her family, i.e. BVB, BOTDF, FIR, 1D, and Mitch were all on the blanket. As soon as she fell asleep, a white glow surrounded all 7 of us and we disappeared.

*3 days later*

~Amethyst's POV~

I stood on the stage at Warped looking out at the crowd as they screamed and cheered for me. Glancing down at my wrist, I smiled at the BVB bracelets I've worn everyday since I was 15, they give me strength and tell me that the guys are always with me. Personally, I was happy to be on this stage because when Warped started the year after BVB had passed away, there was a new stage, which I was excited as fuck about, announced and it happened to be the Black Veil Brides stage which is the stage I happen to be performing on for Warped. This is my second year in a row on Warped Tour and it's amazing how many fans I have just because of my voice. I looked down at the bass I was using, it was Ashley's old Outlaw bass but instead of it being covered in porn, I put pictures of me and the guys on it so they still have their moments on stage.

"WHAT'S UP MOTHERFUCKERS?!" I screamed into my mic, which was in Andy's old mic stand that he tied different bandanas onto.

All I got in return was a bunch of screams, which brought a huge smile to my face. After the crowd died down a little, I looked to the side stage and saw that Ronnie was watching me with a smile on his face, he was also proud of how far I've come in the music industry.

"For the first song tonight, I'm going to play a classic song that I've loved ever since it came out, this one's called Knives and Pens." I said into my mic before I started playing my bass and launched into the song.

As I sang, I had tears running down my face and looked out at the crowd. Lots of people were crying and singing along with me. There was no crowd surfing, no moshing, no nothing. Just a bunch of old BVB fans standing there with tears running down their faces singing along with me. I looked around me on the stage and saw all the BVB guys standing there rocking out with me, although no one else could see them, I could, and that put a big smile on my face while I had tears running down my face, already knowing my mascara and eyeliner was running down my face.

Finally an update. I'm super sorry for not updating in forever. I've been busy with school and homework and other things. My boyfriend and I are kind of fighting at the moment, which is where I drew inspiration for this chapter from. I hope you enjoyed what I wrote, especially Andy's POV at the beginning. ^-^ If you didn't, oh well. Get over it.

I Feel The Madness Creeping Slowly (Sequel to AbBVB) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now