"Mhm. I missed you though." She mumbled.

"I missed you too, but we both have a free day tomorrow, so we can do whatever we want." I kissed her forehead.

"Can we netflix and chill?"

"Sure." I chuckled. "I'm always down to fu-chill."

She smacked my chest. "That's not what I meant."

"Your giggling says otherwise. That is exactly what you meant." I smirked.

"What'd you do today?" She changed the subject.

"Got text yelled at by Ang for stealing a prepackaged sorry excuse of a meal and true life yelled at by my mom for jacking fruit. Then I watched six hours of cartoons. Peppa pig is a fucking savage by the way."


"Your dork though."

"I like the sound of that."


Our new residence had an open floor plan, so there were no walls separating the kitchen, table area and living room. The space would feel limitless without stacks of boxes, but we had postponed finishing unpacking until we were back from tour. What's the point in unpacking twice? Beyond the land of cardboard was our room, not enclosed from the rest of the loft, but elevated. The spiral metal staircase with wire railing lead up to our getaway. Our bed sat on a flat wooden crate. The sheets were white in contrast to the grey brick walls and cement floor, painted by yours and hers truly. The coolest part about the bedroom was the built in shelving taking up the entire back wall. Countless books, though idle, stood in rows among rows. Parallel to the bed was two L shaped desks we'd made a U. Our computer setup was insane, but between her videography and editing, my graphic design and our combined compact studio, the technology was imperative.

The bathroom was all glass and tile to match the guest half bath on the main floor. The industrial fan covered for the slack air conditioning and the heat worked fine. The kitchen countertops were marble and the appliances were stainless steel. Overall our humble abode was a tumblr dream. I remembered the afternoon she brought me here to show her find. She told me I'd be sold by one thing alone and she was right. Off the living room, outside the window, was a fire escape. It got direct sunlight during the day, so we had a potted garden and the side of the building was opposite the road, so there were no street lights to obstruct our view of the stars at night. I burst into tears when I saw the rustic metal. I was already in love's arms, she had anticipated my being overwhelmed, so I turned and buried my face in her hair, no longer shaved.

"I'm sorry I'm an emotional wreck all the time now." I mumbled into her shoulder.

"I'm the one who cried when the pizza man gave us an extra pizza and you call yourself an emotional wreck?"

I hiccuped a laugh. "You also fell to your knees in distressed tears at the beach when you saw a dolphin in the distance swimming away. You sang the chorus of baby come back by player at the top of your lungs."

She joined in with my favorite laughter. "Then you hushed me, but I started singing to you instead, so you shut me up with your mouth and a mom of five yelled at us for our 'indecent exposure of unholy homosexuality.'"

"So Dane started singing holy with Alex and Bri on backup complete with JT style moves and Josh and Justin grinding."

"It turned into a shit show when the park police showed up though."

"How were we supposed to know the three kind old people behind us ran a fucking church and the guy was a Catholic priest!" She laughed even harder.

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