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1. Me: Hi! This is my first quiz! Hope ya like. Did you read the memo?

A. No... but I will if it's important! (Me: It's not really, actually, but you can if you want.)

B. Does InuYasha want me to read the memo? (Me: Oh great, another Inu fangirl.)

C. Will the memo bear my children? (Me: One, no it will not. Two, isn't this a girls only quiz?) Oh fine, will I bear the memo's children?

D. Uhm... *guilty look* uhm... *scrolls up and reads memo* Yup! (Me: Lol that's exactly what I would do.

E. NO AND I NEVER WILL! (Me: O.o Okay...)

The memo is the beginning thingy.

2. Me: Okay... what's your favorite InuYasha guy (out of these)?

A. InuYasha

B. Koga

C. Miroku

D. Sesshomaru (Me: High five! *high fives QT* He's so awesome!)

E. Naraku

3. Me: Fascinating. Time for RP! You're walking in a forest and Miroku comes up to you and asks you to... [wait for it...] GIVE HIM A MUFFIN!

A. WTF!? (And I thought he was gonna ask if I would bear his child...?) (Me: Fooled ya! ^ . ^)

B. *gives muffin* Hey, you seen Koga?

C. OF COURSE I WILL GIVE YOU A MUFFIN (and maybe a little something else?)!!!!

D. No! My muffin! *cuddles to chest* (Me: Are you like my reincarnation or something!?)


4. Me: Okay then. RP is over. Pick your favorite name.

A. Yuki (happiness, snow) (Me: Lol your happy snow!)

B. Hoshi (star)

C. Yuma (I think it means gentle something)

D. Momo

E. Kira (killer)

5. Me: Sorry it was so short, I spent a bit too much time on the results. Pick a song, any song.

A. 'Headstrong' by Trapt (Me: LOVE TEH SONG!)

B. 'Animal I have become' by whoever (Me: Sorry, forgot who it was but i luv teh song)

C. 'Lala's Lullaby' by Wada Karou (Me: I LOVE YOU!!! THE BEST SONG EVAH!)

D. 'Tourniquet' by Evanescence (Me: Your awesome!)

6. Lyrics?

1. Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.

2. These colors will not change, you change the way I see them. These words will fade when you explain why you hate them.

3. I'm bring Sexyback, the other boys don't know how to act. (Me: Lol)

4. How can I pretend that I don't see, what you hide so carelessly? I saw her bleed You heard breathe And I froze inside myself

5. When you're gone, the pieces of my heart are missing you. And when you're gone, the face I came to know is missing too.

Put your answers in the comments or message me.

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