Chapter 4: Always Listen to Tyler.

Start from the beginning

"Harry let go!" She screams as I swing over the center of the net. What? Why? It's not slowing down.

"Harry are you being stupid? Let-" she's cut off by a loud bang, which is caused by the side of my body ramming into the jumping platform, and then falling fifty feet down onto the net.

"Go." She finishes before trotting over to where I lay.

It doesn't hurt too much, but I'll probably get a few bruises. I wince when I feel her prod my side with her fingers, and then she helps me up and we get out of the net.

"You're a big idiot you know that? I told you to let go." She rolls her eyes, but then gives me a more serious, "Are-you-sure-you're-ok-you-hit-that-thing-hard," kind of look. I nod, and I feel my cheeks get hot. Did I really just embarrass myself in front of her?

She made all of this look so easy.

"Alright Styles, I think that's enough for one day. Do you need the doctor to check it out? She's right across the hall..." She suggests, motioning with her hands, a cloud of worry behind her eyes.

"No, I'm fine. It doesn't hurt that much- wait you've got a doctor here? Isn't the hospital like, five minutes away?" I question, raising my eyebrows.

"Well actually it's my aunt, and she lives here, but she's got an office and everything." She replies, wrapping her thin arm around my shoulders. "I'm hungry. Lets go eat. I'll cook!" She volunteers, and I don't complain. I'm in not mood to cook, and she had told me she didn't like asking the chef to cook for her when she could do it herself.

She drags me back though the exit of the stunt room, and makes her way through the house until she opens a door to reveal small kitchen, not as fancy as the one she was washing dishes in earlier today, it had more of a homey feel. The cabinets were wooden and the floor had an interesting pattern with colorful rocks.

Tyler started to open different drawers, occasionally placing something down on the counter. I heard her mumbling different ingredients as she dashed about.

I ended up taking a seat at one of the barstools, amused by her frantic search. After she seemed to be done, she got out some other pots and pans, and started mixing things about.

Trusting that Tyler knew how to cook, I decided to go onto twitter, I hadn't really been on since this morning. That sounded really horrible. I was on this thing way too much.

When I looked up at Tyler, she had a very focused expression, and I couldn't help but snap a picture and snicker.

I was about to post it, but then I realized that would cause confusion, and it would ruin the sassy, Barbie type of image she had. I wasn't quite sure why she was so intent on keeping it that way, she was much better at home.

I decided against posting anything, but I still scrolled through my feed and my mentions.

@TERRY4eva: OMG! Tyler and Harry are so perffff together! @Harry_Styles @ItsTylerJones #teamterry

@onedgurlfolyfe: #teamterry EVERYONE! Go go go! @Harry_Styles

@weluvyouharrah: TYLERRR IS A WHORREEE! LUVVV U HARRRAHH! @Harry_Styles

@MiniTylers: @Harry_Styles and @ItsTylerJones are so cute together guys. OMG! #teamterry

@proudfangurrl: @Harry_Styles why r u dating Tyler she a b*tchhhh

@tylerjfandomm: Tyler deserves to be a princess @Harry_Styles TREAT HER LIKE ONE #teamterry

I look at what's trending and sure enough, there's team Terry. Terry. That's a cute name.

"Harry I'm done!" I hear Tyler's voice call out, and sure enough when I looking up I see her holding two plates, one in each hand, and flashing me a smile.

"That smells so good!" I exclaim, mouth watering. It actually smells heavenly. What is it? I look a little closer and realize that it's just simple stuffed ravioli, but it smells better than any ravioli that I've ever seen.

"It better. Slaving in the kitchen for you. Cheese or meat? Or both?" She questions with her lips pursed, moving each plate up and down as if comparing them.

"Both." I answer. "Definitely both." She beams before setting both plates down and grabbing some silver ware from one of the smaller cabinets.

We both dig in, and I can't help but make satisfied noises when the ravioli touches my tongue. It's everything cooking should be, like a slice of heaven. Now this sounds extremely cheesy, but anyone would say that if they tried Tyler's cooking. How could even a master chef top this?

She snickers at me. "I assume you enjoy my cooking? Ten out of ten?" She asks, and all I can do is nod as I shove another fork of the delicious stuff in my mouth.

"Eleven." I reply, and her smile grows wider.

Once we reluctantly finish dinner, I realize that it's already eleven o' clock.

Tyler's eyes begin to droop, and she lets out a large yawn before getting off the chair and stumbling to the door. I roll my eyes at her loopy form.

Knowing Tyler, whether she was half-asleep or not, she would trip on her way to her bed, so I can only imagine what would happen if she walks away like this. She'd probably kill herself.

"Come on Tyler." I groan, scooping her up and heading through the door.

"End of hall... Up the... Stairs... F-First..." She lets out another loud yawn. "Door. Right." Her eyes flutter closed, and her breathing softens.

I follow her directions, straight to the door at the end of the hall, then up one of two main staircases, and finally through the doors of her room.

I set her down on the bed, pull the duvet over her and flick off the lights, deciding to get home and rest myself.


тwenтy coммenтѕ? and yeѕ, ι ĸnow a ғew oғ тнoѕe were ғroм мe :)

oн мy god gυyѕ, ι love yoυ. now, ιтѕ noт мυcн тo тнoѕe oғ yoυ ι've ѕeen wιтн тнoυѕandѕ and тнoυѕandѕ oғ readѕ, вυт ιт мeanѕ a loт тo мe.

HUNDRED readѕ? SIXTEEN voтeѕ? wнaт?

ι'м goιng тo ѕтocĸ υp on cнapтerѕ ғor тнιѕ and ι'll releaѕe мore. ι proмιѕe yoυ, no мaттer нow ѕнιттy ι aм aт υpdaтιng.

ι wιll тry мy вeѕт!

@RaspberryDye and @Anonymous_life are so sweet. Thank you.

~MISHAYHAYHAY (because I feel like spelling it strange.)

-also, just started school. that's why there's a VERY late update. don't worry I'll get better. :3-


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