Terror in the Castle

Start from the beginning

“My Goddess above; what happ…Ahhh!” The woman screamed as she made the mistake of touching a curtain which inadvertently triggered some water balloons to pop. Startled she stepped forward right onto the floor and quickly slid and fell into a heap on the ground.

Ari rolled over and looking through the decorative wooden bars began to laugh hysterically at the regal dressed woman sitting in a heap on the ground. Ari roared even louder with laughter.

The woman waved her hand and the group of girls was instantly on the floor below. The girls slid as their knees hit the surface but the tomboy didn’t due to already being in a prone position.

“Would someone care to tell me who they are and…” Queen Dahlia’s words died on her lips as she finally took notice of her husband and son's appearance. Instantly the woman began to grin before suddenly musical laughter filled the room. The King and Prince glared at the High Queen.

“Pray tell what happened to you?” She inquired.

“She did it!” Both men said and pointed at the blonde woman still laughing.

“Who is…”

“Soren’s daughter.” King Riodan huffed as he looked down at his covered robes. Looking up he realized his wife was wet and the back of her hair was now plastered to her head and smirked. “It seems you are a victim of her pranks as well.

The Queen looked in to a mirror to see her once perfect hair was now flat in the back. “Ah, yes, so I am.” She went to get up and slipped once again. “What did you do to the floor?” She asked baffled by its slickness.

“It’s cooking oil.” Sarah admitted.

The queen raised an eyebrow at her.

“It was all Ari’s idea!” Lola said quickly putting the blame on the Dark Elf Princess.

“You helped her though didn’t you.” The High King said calmly.

“Well yeah but it’s Ari! Who can say no to her?!” The redhead argued.

“Oh that was so worth getting no sleep.” Ari sighed. Slowly she rolled over to look at the queen. Instantly she thought the woman was beautiful. She had brown hair with red highlights and dark blue eyes. “I do apologize that you ended up in the mess. I was only after them.”

“Care to tell me what my husband and son have done?” Queen Dahlia inquired.

“They’re holding my friends hostage and plan to give Sarah to Jareth.” She said with narrowed eyes. Looking at King Riodan she said, “Send us home or there is plenty more I can come up with.”

“Arianna I have already explained that you belong here as does Sarah. Your friends I will send home as soon as possible.”

“Why not now?” The queen inquired.

“I tried. It didn’t work.”

“What? How is that possible?” The brown haired woman inquired.

“If I knew that I’d have already corrected the problem!” Riodan snapped. The woman raised her eyebrow at him. “I apologize but as you can see I did not wake up well.” He glanced at Soren’s daughter to see her beaming proudly at him.

“May I inquire as to how you did any of this?” Looking at her husband she added, “Where are your guards?”

“Good question.” Amador said, annoyed at his appearance.

“Currently in a taffy mess.” Brandy replied.

“Taffy?” Amador questioned. Looking at the tomboy he sighed and said, “I trust we can blame you?”

“Absolutely!” She chirped.

Amador pinched the bridge of his nose before remembering he was covered in chocolate sauce. Moving his hand the queen let out a giggle. Amador growled at his mother causing her to laugh more.

“Thank you Arianna, I don’t think I’ve ever had such an entertaining morning.” The queen announced. Ari smiled and gave a slight bow of her head accepting her praise. Carefully the queen got up and raising her hand the floor was clean. “Now what do you say you show us to the…taffy?”

Five minutes later there were three members of royalty laughing uncontrollably in the hallway after seeing the girls had been very honest. The guards were even more tangled up in taffy then when the girls had first locked them up. Once their laughter became controllable the queen freed them and those needing to get cleaned up headed for their rooms.

“Does this mean no dungeon?” Lola asked hopeful.

“How do you do it?” Sarah asked. The tomboy looked at her but gave a shrug as her only reply. The dark haired girl chuckled. Only Ari could cause mass chaos and have someone be happy about it. The queen clearly seemed to like her friend. In fact she seemed to not be opposed to any of the girls.

Sarah also noted that the king was frustrated he couldn’t send their friends home and the queen was baffled. Something didn’t fit. Why were all of them stuck there? What didn’t they know?

A Journey of Two Queens   - Labyrinth Fanfic taleWhere stories live. Discover now