The Love Square

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TWEET! TWEET! I had just gotten a text from my girlfriend, Lisa. We met 5 months ago and we've never had a problem yet, we were meant to be and we both know it. We meet over Twitter and she lived in New Jersey and I lived in Louisiana, but we decided that we'd move in together in L.A. We seen each other and we realized it was love at first sight. I'm thinking about asking her to marry me, but not right now because we're still getting settled in our relationship, I just believe that she is the one though.

It was a simple Saturday morning, I woke up at 8 a.m. to go for a run. I walked into the bathroom brushed my teeth and took a shower. While I was putting on my shirt, I got a text from my manager, James. It read,' Good morning Aaliyah! Guess what show wants you to guest star in it! Text me back when you get this text!" I quickly opened the text and replied," Good morning James! What show? I hope it's a good one!" I waited about 5 minutes for a text, but there still was no reply from James, he must've been busy. I started my car and drove to the park where I run every Saturday morning, I was just finishing up my 4th lap around the track then I got the text from James I had been waiting for. It said,' Well I know you are gonna be excited, but the show you are guest starring is The Fosters!
I screamed then started jumping down until I noticed that I had a bunch of people looking at me like I was a maniac. I quickly walked to my car, got in and started screaming again. I started the car and drove as home as fast as I could. I walked in, ran up the stairs to Lisa and I's bedroom, jumped on the bed and shook Lisa until she woke up.

"Babe why are you shaking me?" "Ok babe so this morning before I went to the park for my run, I got a text from James saying that there's a show that wants me to guess star in it so I asked him what show and guess what show he told me it is!" "What show babe?'" "You ready for it?" "Yes" "You sure?" "YES!" "THE FOSTERS!"

We both started jumping on the bed and screaming. "OMG! Babe this is amazing! You get to meet Teri Polo and Sherri Saum! I can't believe this!" "Me either! I'm gonna be on the same set as Sherri and Teri! This can get my acting career booming then when I really blow up I can get you on screen, whatever I do you're gonna be there right next me, I promise." "Baby, I love you so much and I'm so proud of you." "I love you more babe." I grabbed her by her waist and started to pull her close to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and started tilting my head down until my lips met hers. I laid her down and looked deep into her eyes until we just started laughing, I told her I loved her again and started kissing her again. She pulled of my shirt then next I knew it was about 2 o'clock and we were in our bed naked cuddling. I watched her while she slept, it felt like forever but just being close to her comforted me, we could've laid there forever I wouldn't mind. I thought about how much I loved and adored her. She's all I could ever want, I started to sing "Not Like The Movies" by Katy Perry because I know how much she loves that song. She started to smile more and more in her sleep until she woke up. I smiled, I realized without her I would have no meaning in life.

Later that day I called James and he told me every thing I needed to know. I had to go on set Monday morning at 7 A.M. Sunday I was so anxious and nervous I couldn't even sleep. Monday morning my alarm went off and I rushed into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, took a shower, got dressed, kissed Lisa goodbye, and before I knew it I was parked next to a white Prius. I took a deep breath and got out of my truck, I had was adjusting my clothes then I heard one of the sweetest voice I'd ever heard, it was quite familiar. I looked over to my left and seen no one, I looked to the right and all I seen was my huge midnight blue Hummer, I felt a tap on my shoulder and I jumped a little. I turned around and seen one of he most beautiful women I'd ever seen, it was Sherri Saum.

I was still astonished from seeing Sherri in the flesh. Her curly hair was all down flowing in the wind, she was wearing dark blue skinny jeans, a long sleeve blue top, with a brown vest on top, and brown boots. Her smile was amazing, and her brown eyes were so beautiful, the sun hit her at the perfect angle, she looked as if she was an angel.

She spoke softly. "Hi! I'm Sherri! I'm pretty sure you already know that, but I thought it would be nice if I came over and introduce myself. You must be Aaliyah right?"

"Huh?" I sound like a total idiot! I tried to act casual, but if I looked directly at her I wouldn't be able to act normal. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, I kind of lost myself there. Yes, I'm Aaliyah, and I do know who you are, you look a lot more beautiful in person!" Did I just say that out loud? I was humiliating myself in front of Sherri. "Uhh..I didn't mean that you aren't beautiful on screen because trust me you are. Oops! That sort of just slipped out I'm sorry if I freaked you out, I'm just really nervous and I just made the conversation awkward so I'm gonna head inside before I make more of a fool of myself." I was trying to walk away but she stopped me. "No, I don't feel freaked out, I'm flattered from the compliment coming from someone as beautiful as yourself. Oh my gosh, now I feel awkward." We both laughed for a few moments. We talked outside for a few more minutes, she was so kind and funny and down to earth, it felt like I knew her my whole life.

We headed inside and got a warm welcome from the whole cast and crew. They were all really nice people, we all read our lines together, I was so amazed about the episode and my character, the writers were amazing. I played the role of this girl named Jamie that saved Lena's life from almost being hit by a car and was falling for Lena. Teri was hilarious she kept us laughing all day long, she was more beautiful in person too. For lunch Teri invited me to have lunch with her in her trailer. We laughed and joked around more than we ate.

"So is there a special man or lady in your life at the moment,"she asked. "Yeah, my girlfriend Lisa, she's amazing, she was so excited when I told her I got the part, wanna see a pic of her?" "Yes! Please!" I showed her Lisa's picture and her jaw dropped. "Wow! She's really beautiful, your both really lucky to have each other, you guys make a very beautiful couple. How long have you guys been together?" "Five months, next Friday will be our six month anniversary." We heard a knock on the door. "Allow me." I went over to the door and opened it, I was a little surprised to Sherri. "Hey I was looking all over for you! Maia told me that you were with Teri." "Yeah, we were just having a little lunch getting to know each other. Oh! I'm so sorry come in!" I took her hand and helped her up the stairs. "Thanks! Well hello hunny!" Sherri told Teri. "Hello, love." Teri told Sherri. They gave each other a kiss on the cheek, they were so comfortable together. "You guys have so much chemistry, are you sure Kamar doesn't get a little jealous?" We all laughed. "I'm sure he might be a tiny bit jealous of me." Teri responded "He doesn't say he is, but he only knows." Sherri said. For the rest of lunch we all cracked each other up. It was so much fun, I still couldn't believe I was in the same room with them, I couldn't help myself to stare at them, they were both incredibly beautiful.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2013 ⏰

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