Wait wait, why i suddenly get comfortable around here?

Im a hostage and about to get killed soon or later.

A hostage? But Takeda or Yukimura didn't know im even here..

Then what am i?

"Oi." Masamune called me.

I raised my head.

"Take a sword." He smirked.


"You heard me."

"B-but..what for? I can't use a sword."

"Just take it." He said losing his patients.

I hesitate.

My mind is confused,

Should i take it or not?

"Take it!" Masamune shouted.

"No! I don't like violence!" I shouted too without realizing.

I covered my mouth with my hand surprised.

Did i angered him?

He walks closer with big steps, i back away in reflex until my back hit the wall.

Masamune stand in front of me and held my chin forcely.

"Do you know the world you live in right now?" Masamune left eye glare at me coldly.

I shake my head.

"This is war. You can die anytime. You see?"

I don't understand what is he trying to say. I look at him terrified.

He let go of me and chuckled.

"Man this is interesting,"

I slide down the wall, holding my chest. Panting.

Masamune practices again with his sword, backing me.

I stands up and run outside. I even left the residence.


I walk alone. Not knowing where to go.

I can run away from Masamune. But i don't know where am i and how far is my village from Oshuu.

Even if i run away, no one will be there to rescue me.

Im just a simple village girl that knows nothing.

Arriving at Oshuu is a new thing for me.

But i already see real fights for the first time.

I don't want to see that again.

I sighed.

This is too much for me.

When im almost burst into tears, a hand taps my back.

"Are you lost, young lady?" An old woman pass through me.

"Uh um, i don't know." I said with a sad face.

"What's with the sad face? You're really pretty and that kimono looks expensive, are you a noble?" She said.

"No im not..im.."

"Oh, are you the one eyed dragon new fiancé?" The old woman smiled.

"Wait, what?!" My eyes widen surprised. "N-no!" I waved my hand.

"You're not? Too bad." She said disappointed.

"Isn't the one eyed dragon a cruel person?" I asked.

"Oh no, he is well respected here. He treated us nicely." She said.

I don't believe this.

Right when im about to open my mouth.

"Yue." Someone called me from behind.

The old women suddenly bowed her head. "Ma-masamune-sama."


I turned around and he's there on top of his horse. Crossing his arms.

"So this is where you run off." He said.

I bowed my head too. "Forgive me, i didn't mean to-"

"Heh, you didn't plan on running away right? I can kill you before you do." He said while smirking.

I don't know if he's serious or joking.

He said kill easily. And it still gives me shiver.

He got off the horse and grabs my hand forcefully.

"Get on the horse." He said.

"Huh? W-wait!"

I looked at the old women that is smiling at me.

She whispered. "I was right."

I get on the horse reluctantly. Then Masamune get on too and sits behind me.

How did he know i was there?


"Kojuro i brought her back." Masamune shouted as we reach his residence.

"Lady Yue, are you okay?" Kojuro walks to us.

"Im okay, nothing happened." I said.

"Big boss! Kojuro-sama! Please be alert, the pirates are coming!" One of the guy came running in panic.


"He finally came. Excellent." Masamune smirked.

He got off the horse and enter the residence.

"Kojuro take care of my horse and tell her to come to the main hall."

"Yes, Masamune-sama." Kojuro help me got off.

"Who is coming? Are there going to be another war?" I look at Kojuro with scared looks.

"Don't worry Lady Yue, please go to the main hall as Masamune-sama instructed."

Kojuro lead the horse to the stable, leaving me.

Who is coming?!

And where is the main hall??

To be continued...

[Fanfic] Melted Heart [Masamune x OC]Where stories live. Discover now