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Hey guys this is my first story and I hope you like it

Lots of love, Believerage^_^


Little droplets of rain covered the window of the car. All I can see is blur. It was my last day in Springfield, soon we're moving to Italy. I have to say goodbye to everyone that I loved and the person that I cherished the most, my grandma.

"do I really have to go?" I looked at her with tears covering my eyes.

"Oh don't you start crying now baby, Everything's gonna be fine and I heard that there's a lot of pizzeria in there!" She said smilling but I know that there is an emptiness of joy in her words.

"Ok gamma" I tried my best to give her a smile. I hugged her as tight as I can because I know that I won't be going to be with her for a long time. I stepped into the car and waved at the window. Gamma waved me a goodbye and blowed me a kiss. 

" I love you gamma!" I shouted. "I love you too dear" I can barely hear her. I sunk into my seat trying to wipe the tears from my eyes. My cat Mimo went on my lap trying to comfort me. I looked at the window and realized that everything that I cherished for eight years will be gone.


"Here we go Beatrice, welcome to your new home!"

"My name is Beatrice Victoriano. The reason we moved here is because my dad got a promotion. My whole family moved here including my cat and my dad's dog, Humphrey. I have a really hard time adjusting to a new invironment cosidering that I've lived in my grandma's house for eight years.

I took a deep breath before stepping into the house. It's a two story floor with five bedrooms. I gazed in awe as I saw gigantic paintings hanging on the wall.

"Fancy huh?" My dad stood beside me looking at the paintings too.

"Yea...." I looked down the floor remembering memories back home.

"Awww cheer up sport! It's going to be great in here!" He said cheerfully but he noticed my sad face. "You know, there's a library nearby. You can maybe go with me if you're not too busy being a droopy face troll" 

I gasped " Can we go now?!" My eyes lightened when I heared him say library.

"But I thought you weren't up to go out?" He said teasing me.

"No,No I want to go" I said eagerly.

"Okay then pumpkin, let me just get my car keys" he chuckled

I started to smile because I know that I have something that reminds me of home.


Okay! So that was the first chapter I hope that it wasn't that cheesy to read and yea that's all

Lots of love, Believerage^_^

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