House Hunting

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SUMMARY: 'You get used to some pretty weird things when your boyfriend is the Slender man, but really,' thought Sky. 'Can't I even go shopping for my first rental without something going wrong?' The myth she was dating and his brothers were a few mythical beings that she was used to by now. She wasn't, however, prepared for anyone new...

TIMELINE: Set somewhere between chapter 20 of Slender Chance and the Epilogue.

GENRE: Horror/ Paranormal

NOTES: All you CreepyPasta fans should enjoy this one. I've never written this particular monster in my stories before ^^

The little house was a bit dingy from sitting vacant for so long, and as I looked around the place I felt an unexplainable chill go up my spin. How odd...

The realtor didn't seem to notice and went on talking about how low rent was because it'd been vacant so long, and how it had such a nice view of the woods. Everything about it seemed like something that could really work for my situation. It's location was only forty-five minutes from my college, and the low rent would be very nice considering currently all my money was either going into food or tuition. The woods were also a bonus, if not for me then for my boyfriend. I had a feeling that once I had my own place, it really wouldn't been too long before he just started living with me, and the forest was as much a home to him as anywhere else was, being that he was the Slender man after all. Not for the first time today, I wished that he was here with me, helping me make the right decision on where to live. I wasn't buying yet, just renting, but I still wanted to make sure that whichever I picked - whether the condominium or apartment I'd seen yesterday, this house, or somewhere else entirely - I wanted to make sure I chose correctly. This property defiantly had potential, except for one little problem... It creeped me the hell out.

Something about this place was very off, and my guess is that was the reason why it had sat vacant as long as it had. The air had a chill in it and a certain element of anxious suspense that made you feeling like you should be holding your breath, waiting for something to happen. Again, I found myself wishing that my Slender man was here.

"Now how about we go look at the backyard? It's got a nice open space and then the beautiful woods beyond that. A perfect set up for entertaining, and plenty of play space for kids," the realtor was telling me as she lead me outside.

I bit my lip to keep from laughing out loud. 'Kids?' Ha, that was never going to happen, considering that the person I planned to spend the rest of my life with wasn't human.

Impossibly, the cold atmosphere increased once we were outside. It wasn't as if the air itself was cold, but rather like there was something blocking the sun's rays so that you could no longer feel it's warmth on your skin. It was like that calm deadness that came right before a storm. My stomach clenched up and for some reason all I wanted to do was leave. Run. There was something very wrong here.

And that's when the realtor screamed and fainted.

An inhuman, sputtering snarl followed the scream and my eyes went wide with fright as the creature crawled out of the woods.

The thing looked like freaking Gollum from Lord of the Rings times ten. It was hunched over and its pale, hairless body was shriveled and skeletal looking. The creature was also completely naked. A metal contraption of some kind literally seemed to be growing out of it's arm and formed long razor sharp claws at the end of it's hand. That wasn't even the worst part though - it was it's face. Large empty eyes swept over the two humans - one frozen in fear and shock and the other unconscious on the ground - outside the little house, most likely trying to decide which one it wanted to attack first. It's gaze was black and soulless, like it had no other instinct or emotion than kill.

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