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Me and my besties AJ lee and kelly kelly walked into our hotel room for the night. It was right by where RAW was being held the following day. I was silent on the way up to the door.
"You still mad girl?" AJ asked
"How the hell could I not be" I snapped.
"Relax" Kelly said
"I'm sorry just the hole thing with Seth you know" I appoligised
"It's ok girl" AJ said as she unlocked the door. I walked in first and sat on my chosen bed. Kelly was the last one in. *DING DING* Kelly's phone went off she looked annoyed
"Let me guess...... Brad Maddox" AJ said as she jumped on her bed
"Yes..... And don't even say his full name around me" Kelly replied. It was silent for the next few minutes. *DING DING* we all snapped our heads up. This time it was my phone.
"Who is it" Kelly asked I didn't reply I just smiled at a text off my boyfriend Brock lesnar. It read
*hey babe I just want you to know that i miss you :( I just watched smackdown. Don't worry Seth will pay for what he's done! With a lot of violence*
My face went from a smile to a frown.
"It's about what Seth did isn't it" AJ asked I nodded.
"Brock's only just watched smackdown" I told them
"WHAT..... That aired on Thursday...... It's now Sunday" Kelly said AJ shook her head. I was so annoyed with him. Seth barely did anything wrong. All he did was distract me from my match and it wasn't even him it was J&J security. Seth wasn't even out there until I lost the match and then all he did was stare at me.
"Call him" AJ said
"Nope" I replied
"Don't go Dean Ambrose on us" Kelly said with a smile
"Fine" I have in and called Brock. I knew it was a mistake.
Hey why you calling
Look Brock as much as I hate to say it Seth did nothing wrong
Brock calm down
Oh.... I am calm just wait until I get back from my suspension
Your still annoyed about getting suspended arnt you
How could I not be I did nothing wrong it was SETH
How long until you can come back
3 weeks and I'm still pissed with you from sticking up for Seth
WHAT..... When did I stick up for Seth
When you said he did nothing wrong
I wasn't sticking up for him Brock
WHATEVER" Brock yelled before putting the phone down on me
"You ok Erin" Kelly asked
"No..... No I'm not" I yelled before throwing my phone at a wall.

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