Weird one.

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Dylan scooped Nutella out of the bucket, tears streamed down his eyes. Jason walked out of his closet, eighteen pizza rolls on a plate. "Hey dude, what's Gucci?" Said Jason, as Dylan was startled. "WHERE'D YOU COME FROM YOU BLACK FUCK?" Jason swallowed a pizza roll whole, and chuckled. "Well, about that, you see-" Dylan interrupted with his sobbing, as more sad emo music played in the background. Jason cleared his throat, and gulped down another pizza roll, and lightly tapped Dylan. "Hey bro, I wanna be nice but, you're a fucking ugly cryer." Dylan threw Nutella at him, which he scooped his pizza roll in, and gently ate. "Jesus man, calm down." Jason jumped on Dylan's bed, and fixed his { although short } black Afro. "So, you wanna talk about it?"
Dylan was bi-furious, as he continued to cry. Jason simply ignored him, and turned on the TV. "OOO LIFE IS STRANGE IS ON! HOLY SHITBALLS!" Yelled Jason, as he choked down another pizza roll. "AWWW bro, don't be a downer, here, have a pepperoni pizza roll." Jason threw the Greasy snack at his best friend, as it smacked Dylan in the nose. Jason then grabbed the bed covers, and threw them over his body. Dylan stood, the the covers went flat, as if no body was there.
He pulled back the covers, to find nothing.
But, in the bathroom, was Jason, who had a glass of chocolate milk and even more pizza rolls. "hey, if you have like, 6 pizza rolls in the microwave for like one minute, then would 18 be like, 3 minutes???" Jason asked, as Dylan wept in pain. "I'm emotionally broken."
Jason threw the pizza rolls in the air. "IM JUST ASKING! IT'S JUST A PRANK BRO." Dylan crawled in the corner, still thinking about how Jason disappeared and re-appeared. Maybe he was high? Maybe he was dreaming, he didn't know. Jason cleared his throat and started to explain. "I see the confusion on your face, so I'm gonna make this blunt. I CAN TRAVEL THROUGH DIMENSIONS, AND HAVE INFINITE PIZZA ROLLS. ISN'T THAT COOL?" Jason dropped his glass of chocolate milk, as Dylan's nose started to bleed, and he passed out.

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