That would disturb my lifestyle tremendously.


I looked over my shoulder as Marge hurried down the corridor trying to chase me down, and I stopped letting her smaller frame catch up.

"Did you shrink Marge?"

Marge frowned slapping my arm, before I bent down to accept her hug and kiss on the cheek, "You didn't say hi."

"Sorry Marge I didn't see you there." I lied, "Jet lag."

She nodded and I tried not to pull away as she fussed with my hair, knowing to leave her alone when she did that or else it would be worse.

"Alright, I made your favourite food, have a shower and come down alright. I also have someone you would want to meet."

I nodded, I doubt that, and I also doubt the feeling was reciprocated.

After a long shower and slipping into something more comfortable I looked at the files on my bed. Ah Joe, he didn't even need to be told what to do.

I grabbed the files that contained one of the biggest contracts this business would ever get, the Aluminium production. Whilst it wasn't something we've ever attempted before, I had my bet that this would turn out to be successful. If this planned out the way it did the shares would rise, the most they have in seven years.

All I had to do was get my dad's approval, he still owned 25% of the shares that I needed. I knew he didn't want to get involved in such a risk, but I did enough research to know it wasn't going to be a risk. I don't play with risks.

I looked at the time, two to six. I better go down.

I carried the files with me, if I could get through them and email Jesse what I wanted done, he could possible do it in two days before the business meeting.

I walked into the dinner room sitting down, placing the files on the coffee table. I'll look into them later. Marge walked in with Chef Barritun and I smiled, Barritun was back from his holiday.

"Sir, good to see you again."

"Likewise Barry, how was your holiday?"

"It was incredible sir, my wife and I would like to thank you once again for the accommodation and tickets and e-,"

"That's quite alright," They had thanked me enough times, "It was nothing." Marge placed all the dished on the table.

"Barry and I will leave you two to it." She smiled.


That's when I noticed the statute like thing opposite me wasn't a statute. Well she was extremely still. I picked up my cutlery, was she going to say something or sit there like a fish out of water. Those eyes. If they got any wider they were going to pop out.

But she sat still eating, maybe she doesn't want to talk.

Fair enough with me.

Instead I grabbed a file, this gave me extra reading time. A voice cleared and I looked up at Marge as she brought apple pies in, why was she looking at me like that. She walked out without saying anything, but came back again in ten minutes

"Was everything fine?"

"Of course Marge, that was wonderful." I smiled but she just glared back

Did I do something?

Meanwhile statue decided to move, shifting in her chair like she was the past two hours, it was incredibly annoying and distracting when I was trying to read. And her frequent glances at the clock, maybe she had somewhere to go.

Right, yes, she had somewhere else to be right now.

I grabbed my files saying night to Marge and walked out extremely full and satisfied, it's been a while since I ate home meals.

Barry never disappoints.

I stretched my shoulders as I walked into the room when I heard my name and stopped. That wasn't Marge's voice. No this sounded a tone higher and a tone younger.

Assuming it was my name I stepped back into the corridor.

I met her wide brown eyes as she had her hands on her hips, doubled over and breathing fast, why was she running?

She definitely didn't look like the picture. Her hair was much shorter, her frame tinier, and her face...sterner? Why was she looking at me like that?

Say something act cool. Introductions were a good place to start.

"Oh yea, Aluminium was it?"

I froze, then I cringed, shit

Her eyes narrowed. 


I knew that. I was just so distracted but I wasn't sure how exactly to fix this.

"Oh yes some metal it as." I said before I could help myself. And then regretted it. I should stop speaking. 

Not a metal you idiot more a chemical containing dentin. Like teeth, or the tusk of an elephant. Actually elephant trading was going great lately, the shares plummeted last year but they rose up to half what they used to be worth. But I couldn't and wouldn't agree with Elephant culling. I should research this.

"What did you want?" I asked crossing my arms, I don't think she called for me to show me how well she was at being a statute. Well a statue with facial expression since she had a lot of those. Very expressive, could be a muse.


Another glance at the watch, was she trying to ask if she could go somewhere. Why does she need to ask me, "Look me coming back doesn't change anything. Just carry on like you were before and I won't be in your way." that way she could do what she wanted to without fearing me, I bet our parents had something to do with her questioning her every move,

"We'll just act like the couple in social events alright?" that way she could be more free. No pressure to play this stupid game in the house. She could do what she wanted. 

We weren't kids.

When she gave me no reply and continued to play statue I gave her a nod and walked into my room. I needed to move my things out of the master bedroom into here, I better tell Marge. Statue would probably be more comfortable that way.

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