I hope this happiness will last. No, I know it will last.

Or so I thought.

This happiness made me blind that I didn't noticed a presence I should have noticed sooner. A dangerous being that I should have been aware as I study everything I need to learn in this place.

Her name is Seria, a pretty lady who is always at the prince's side as his adviser. She was watching us the whole time, knows what is happening and made sure the prince is always safe to everywhere he does and go.

One day, as I was about to embark on a supposed ship I was advised to look at, she went straight at me and stared me from head to toe. I didn't know if that's some kind of a tradition, but I don't like what she just did to me. Something bothered me when she's near me. And because the prince this time is at a royal meeting, she took this chance to talk to me privately.

"I am deeply in love to the crowned prince. I too have a desire of becoming his wife one day. I really don't care about his status or his wealth. All I care and ever wanted was to be with him together as husband and wife. He has this aura that makes a person, like me, feel comfortable. I knew we are sharing a special bond. A bond you ruined!"

I was shocked. She just confessed to me her feelings to my beloved prince. I don't know how to response on her statement. I never once read in a book how to handle this type of scenario. But one thing is for sure, the feelings we have are the same. What she just said to me made me feel more uncomfortable as we look at each other, face to face.

She then gave me a shocked expression and run away from me. I don't know what just happened but I think I saw a glimpse of her face, crying.

It's been a week since the day she told me her feelings towards the prince. I open my eyes and saw my beloved sleeping beside me. I stared at his gorgeous face as he sleeps. He suddenly embraces me tightly while lying on the bed. I remembered what happened last night; we now have a mutual understanding. We both accepted each other's feelings and now we have taken the relationship to a next level. Even so, I'm still bothered about Seria's confession. I can't seem to remove this lingering feeling that something bad might happen.

I closed my eyes, trying to forget her but unexpected words from my beloved became a melody in my ears. He said it calmly and in a sweet voice:

"Let's get married."

I'm very happy that I want to tell to the world how I feel. But happiness comes with trials, and it's already too late when I realized my dire situation.

"Hear us everyone you should not miss it!"

"A witch has entered our peaceful country!"

"It cast a spell to our beloved prince!"

And the so-called peaceful life I dreamed of, left me behind.

I woke up again. I couldn't count how many days I'm tied up in a poll at the middle of the town. Kneeling over the royal guards, kneeling over the whole townspeople who are watching me suffer. How, did I reached to this point?

As everyone keeps throwing stones at me, my beloved prince finally came to my vision. I was delighted to see him. I knew he will save me. He will right? I mean, he just fixed some paper works to release me. Right? As he walks towards me, my happiness, my love to him, started to melt. Seeing clearly his expression, seeing him carrying a sword, I'm not a fool to know why he is actually here.

I looked up at him, trying to understand what I did wrong. I just wanted a peaceful life, something I have dreamed on for the longest time. I want to cry for help, I don't want to die like this, please, I don't deserve this, it's unfair!

The next thing I knew, he pulled my hair.

My long hair that I've been taking good care for so long, was just cut without any second thought, in front of everyone.

Everyone happily yelled. I looked at him, even though I'm seeing a bit of sadness in his eyes, my heart was already shattered to pieces.

All the townspeople keeps saying the same thing over and over while I'm tied on a wooden poll.

"Repent! Repent! Repent!"

Is this the country I truly adored before?

Is this the same people I looked up to?

Is he the same prince I loved??

I couldn't say the difference anymore. They are all prejudice. I was never given a chance to explain. They just decided who I am based on their own judgement.

They all said the same thing.

I'm a witch!

"Everyone! Behold and see her repent! We will now burn her to ashes in order for her soul to be judged by above! God knows what to do with a devil!! Amen..."

I was shocked to hear that words from Seria. Now, I finally understood everything. All the questions are coming together now. Everyone bowed down and prayed while I looked at the sky, in pain.

I know now, why I'm forbidden to come here. 

I was once happy on the way things are from a place where I was born. But that was not enough for me. My desire keeps growing that the only solution was to see everything to myself. Experience it. Now I'm regretting all my actions. If I just listened to Him before, then all of this should not had happened.

Seeing the young girl, Seria made me realize how wrong I am. She is the same as me.

My tears rolled down on my cheeks. I couldn't control it and so I started crying. I'm regretting everything from the bottom of my heart. I yelled and cried out all my sorrows, not because of the pain I'm experiencing but I now know my mistakes.

I then began to tell Him properly.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

As I looked above, I felt droplets of water starting to pour down. That's when I saw a reflection of the sword that was about to be swayed towards my neck. I didn't care anymore. I just want Him to forgive me. To all the things I have done. To all the things He has to endure, just to give me His message. 

And before I realized it, my back started burning. Before I knew it, a pair of pure white wings grew at my back. I got speechless. No sound can be heard from everyone. It seems everyone are too shock to see me in my real form.

But I still heard Seria shouting; "All of you, don't be fooled! This is just another trick!!"

Just as I was about to sway my wings, the wind pushes the prince away from me. I looked at where the strong wind came from and saw the sky splitting itself, in front of me.Is He, trying to welcome me again? Me who disobeyed Him?

I took the opportunity and fly away towards the light. I left everyone. I never even dared to look back. I'll make sure no one will experience the same treatment I experienced ever again. 


I, who was called a witch is actually an angel disguised as a human.

That's how ironic life is. We should appreciate the blessings we already have rather than doubting it.

It will take time, but, I can still accept forgiveness. For I have also made a sin. And when that times comes, where everyone can work in harmony, regardless of differences, I'll return back and see if we all can live peacefully the second time around.

Until then.

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