We hadn't had sex in eight months and I had no intentions of sleeping with him when he's been sticking his dick in hood rats. He wasn't getting any from me so he had to be getting it somewhere else. I just hope for his sake he was using protection.

So why am I still with him? At this point I don't even know. At first I kept telling myself that he's acting out because he's still grieving but it's been over a year now since D died. I tell myself that I'm with him because of Kaliyah but at this point I was at my breaking point and I couldn't take anymore.

We were still living together and I still had this ring on my finger but this ring was nothing more than a ring. It held no meaning, why should I live my life as a soon to be married women when the man that proposed showed no intent on marrying me? I don't know how he felt about me, he didn't tell me he loved me, all we did was argue and at this point I had no desire to get married.

"Did you hear about the shooting downtown a few days ago?"

"Who hasn't," I looked at her, "It's been the top news story for the past few days."

A few guys hanging outside of a restaurant and supposedly somebody walked up on them and started shooting killing three people and putting two more in the hospital. Another senseless act of violence.

"Word on the street is one of the guys that was killed owed August some money. A lot of money, I'm talking thousands."

I looked away from her and glanced over at August. He was smiling down at Kaliyah and just by looking at him you would think that he was the same old August. He looked the same on the outside but on the inside he was heartless

"Now this is a Kodak moment," Braeden smiled joining us on the front porch, his eyes were on August and Kaliyah but my eyes were on him and the piles of foil wrapped plates in his hand.

I looked at him and at the plate in his hand, "Really?"

"What," he shrugged, "I'm hungry and Ms. Sheila said I could take a plate home."

"Plate singular, not plural," Danielle said reading my mind.

"There's plenty left in the kitchen. Now I don't have to cook tomorrow," Braeden smiled obviously happy about that.

"Boy please you know damn well that ain't gonna last you till tomorrow night," Danielle shook her head.

"You right," Braeden laughed.

"Mommy look," Kaliyah screamed and I turned my attention to her. She was riding her tricycle all by herself and now had the hang out it. I smiled and waved at her. She was happy and so I was happy. At the end of the day, she was my first and last priority.


It was getting dark and after Kaliyah tired herself out riding her tricycle Ms. Sheila recommended we keep it at her house so she could ride it during the days she didn't come with me to work. Braeden and Danielle were long gone and I planned to head home as well, only thing left to do was pack up my truck.

As if she wasn't spoiled enough she had an array of different toys and clothes. Mace bought her a customized outfit, from the hat to the socks and shoes, all pink and purple her favorite colors and everything had her name on it.

I had one more trip to make and when I turned around to head back to the house I bumped into August, he had the last thing I had to grab. I stepped aside so he could put it in and once it was inside my truck I muttered a thanks and closed it up. Only thing left to do now was get Kaliyah but as I walked by him August grabbed my arm stopping me.

"What's up wit'chu," he asked me as if he had no clue what was wrong with me.

"Nothing at all," I moved to walk past him again but like before he stopped me again.

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