Chapter 1 Rakeen and Savannah

Start from the beginning

The last female flipped back off Galim and the men backed her into a corner. She had her razor sharp fangs down claw hands in front of her and she stood in a defensive stance. She lunged at Rakeen, he grabbed her and held her steady facing him. Galim grabbed a stake and rammed it straight into her back the stake pierced her heart and came through her chest just inches away from Rakeen. Rakeen looked down at the stake and then back up at at Galim as the vampire dissipated into dust. “That was close.” He gave his brother an evil eye.

“You let that bitch stake me, I figured a little payback wouldn't hurt.” Galim cocked his head to the side and returned the evil stare back at his brother. Both men shifted back to their human forms and put on fresh clothes from their bags. Turning to walk away they both sniffed the air catching Simon's putrid scent. Simon stood at the front of the dark alley clapping his hands.

“Bravo, bravo.” He continued clapping. “Good job gentlemen. But wasn't it me you really wanted?” Simon taunted them and then zipped away again. Rakeen and Galim followed hoping to finally get rid of the pesky vampire.


Savannah came to the big city to follow her dreams. She grew up in a very unstable household, her mother a heavy drinker, her father disappointed with his life, left when she was 5 and he was never seen again. She had two brothers, twins, who loved her dearly but they couldn't take their home life either they left the moment they turned 18 leaving Savannah to deal with her mom. Savannah turned to dancing to taker her mind off of her home life. Once she turned 18 she followed her dreams to leave her small town of Georgetown, SC and went straight to New York City to land a spot in a play on Broadway.

As with anything accomplishing her dreams was not an easy thing. Though she never landed a part on Broadway she did find a way to use her dancing to her advantage. She took a job in a small club called Fantasies as an an exotic dancer.

As with every night, Savannah prepared the same way for her show, she woke up, showered, got dressed, grabbed her wardrobe bag and caught the bus to work. But this night she was tired and decided to stop for a coffee.

She entered the sweet smelling coffee shop and ordered her favorite drink a Double Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino. After taking a few sips of the delicious cold coffee drink she decided to walk the remaining five blocks to work so she could enjoy the rest of her treat before having to deal with her customers and her boss.

As she exited the coffee shop Simon ran straight into her almost knocking her to the ground. Stumbling backwards, she held her drink close only knocking a little of the whipped cream and chocolate onto her shirt. Irritated she regained her balance and snapped at him, “Watch where you're going asshole!” She furrowed her eyebrows and gave him the evilest look she could muster up.

Insulted by her chiding he turned and made eye to eye contact with her. He was pale, his eyes red, hungry, and animal like, he slightly growled and then opened his mouth showing a set of fangs to her. Savannah gasped and took a step back. Her heart began to beat wildly as he stepped right up and sniffed her.

His mouth curled into a slight smile, “Umm, you smell tasty” he raised his eyebrows while continuing his gaze on her. Slowly Simon stroked her hair out of her face and off of her shoulder exposing her neck. Swallowing hard his fangs extended more with the anticipation of her sweet smelling warm blood running down his throat. He looked around and remembered he was standing on the sidewalk with several possible witnesses passing by. Grabbing her arm he pulled her to the side of the building.

Fear now cursing through her body Savannah began to beg for her life. “Please, Please don't hurt me.” He ignored her pleas and acted as if he didn't even hear her. Now she wished she would have gotten a hot drink, she could have used it to pour on him as a distraction and ran away. “I have a family, they will look for me, please don't hurt me.” He chuckled at her attempt to stop him.

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