“He hurt you, didn’t he?” Harry growled, and Zayn nodded a little. Liam’s fist had hurt him, and left him with a bruise on his nose. He had hoped that it would die down before he would go to his Nana’s tonight, or else the worried old lady would make a fuss over it, and wouldn’t stop until she knew the cause of it.

“I knew it! I knew he would do this!” Harry quickly snapped, as he pushed himself away from the boy in an angered rage that lasted a second before dying down. He slumped on the wall opposite, his hands shaking in fists as he stared at the floor. Zayn stood in silence as he looked over the boy’s bent posture.

“I’ll kill him! He doesn’t just hit you like that, he doesn’t even know you!” Harry yelled angrily, pushing himself away from the wall with his foot. Zayn stood back a little as the curly haired boy in front of him paced around the small space, his hands flying around as angered rambles fell from his perfect lips.

“He knows I like you, that’s why he’s doing it! He’s a jealous asshole! I just don’t get how he can hit you, he’s never even met you or talked to you before now, he doesn’t even fucking know you! Urgh!” Harry yelled angrily, kicking at a couple of empty plastic bottles that were part of the pile of discarded art junk that was found on the floor of the tiny room.  Zayn flinched a little and squeaked, his hands clinging to the sketchbooks in his hands, his mind telling him to keep hold of them and keep them safe before himself.

“I’m going to find him and I’m going to deliver worse to him!” Harry finally spat, before marching towards the door of the art closet. Zayn’s eyes widened, and he quickly shook his head before doing something he never thought he ever would. He dropped his sketchbooks and wrapped both his arms around Harry’s arm, no thought going into the large sketchbooks that were now in a pile of the floor by his feet.

“No!” Zayn squeaked, wanting Harry to stay with him. He wanted Harry to be happy again, he wanted more tickly kisses to the corners of his mouth, he just wanted Harry. Plus, Zayn remembered, Liam said that he was being his friend and trying to help. He couldn’t let Harry get angry at Liam for trying to help Zayn, even though Zayn didn’t fully understand it all.

Harry quickly looked at the floor before looking up at Zayn’s desperate face. To say he was in shock was an understatement. The raven-haired boy had let his precious books fall to the floor in an act to stop Harry from leaving. Harry looked over him in obvious shock, trying to think why Zayn would do that. He never thought he’d see the moment when Zayn disregards something like that for him. It wasn’t Zayn’s nature to just go and do something like that, and he didn’t understand why he was clinging to him instead of picking up his sketchbooks.

“Zayn, what are you doing?” Harry asked, after a quiet moment had passed in the cluttered art closet. Zayn swallowed and gave a small shrug, still clinging to Harry’s arm like his life depended on it.

“I don’t like you being angry, I want you to be happy.” Zayn spoke quietly, before he slowly slipped his hands down Harry’s arm until it was entwined with Harry’s big hand. Zayn’s thumb grazed over the blue watch, smiling a little as he loved the feeling of the plastic on it.

Harry stayed quiet as he took in his words, staring deep into those heavenly chocolate pools on Zayn’s face. He was still trying to process the boy’s small boost of confidence. It was these moments when Harry’s conscience seemed to swirl around his soul, as if trying to drag him down into a pool of guilt to drown him. But, despite the feeling deep inside of him, these moments made Harry realise just how much he really meant to Zayn, and in turn, how much Zayn meant to him.

And just like that, Harry realised how much his life would crumble without the brown-eyed boy’s innocent stare in it.

“Fluffy…” Harry smiled a little, before turning to face the boy, pulling him towards him gently. Zayn shuffled along willingly with a small smile, as Harry slipped his hands around the boy’s waist happily. Zayn’s hands were pushed gently onto Harry’s chest as he looked up at Harry with a wide smile, his brown eyes sparkling as they now took in the details of the dimples that were popping from Harry’s cheeks.

“You mean so much to me.” Harry whispered, before he leant forward and closed the small gap between both boys until their lips were pressed together softly. Zayn smiled and felt his shoulders relax a little as Harry’s lips pressed to his. It was a long, soft kiss, before Harry broke it off. Zayn gave a slight whimper, which caused Harry to lean forward and nuzzle his nose against the brown-eyed boy’s own.

“Zaynie, I really like you…” Harry spoke as he looked into the boy’s eyes. Zayn smiled even brighter, and Harry had to stop himself from placing another smiling kiss onto the boy’s lips.

“I like you too, Harry!” Zayn spoke softly, before wrapping his arms around Harry’s waist happily. A giggle escaped his lips, and Harry couldn’t help but find it contagious.

“No, you silly fluffball, I mean I like you.” Harry tried again, and Zayn bobbed a little on the balls of his feet. His hands were entwined together as he held Harry’s lanky waist, and he gazed up at Harry with sparkling eyes as Harry kept feeding him these beautiful sentences. The curly haired lad chuckled a little and stroked his hand through the silk like hair that belonged to the boy in front of him.

Harry looked over Zayn’s perfect face as he thought over those few little words in his head. Zayn was staring up at him, his tongue peeking from inbetween his teeth as he smiled widely, like a child almost. He nuzzled his nose a little as he thought about the words once again, the feeling of having Zayn’s arms wrapped around him and the warmth and intoxicating smell that was coming from the boy all just encouraging him on even more to let those little words drop from his lips.

There they were, the two teenage boys’ in their secret hide away, in each other’s arms. Harry leant forward and nuzzled the boy’s nose again, as the little words slowly lined up on the tip of his tongue, ready for the moment they could break free and let themselves be known.

“Zayn fluffball Malik, will you be my boyfriend?” Harry asked softly, a wide smile on his face as he looked into Zayn’s joyful face. In that moment, Zayn’s heart forgot about all of the heaviness that it had ever felt, as it almost jumped out of his chest, like it was trying to hug Harry’s own beautiful heart. Zayn bit onto his bottom lip as he smiled widely, swaying a little like a happy child. Harry gave another chuckle.

“Well?” He asked playfully, nuzzling his nose against Zayn’s to produce a giggle from the small boy. Zayn nodded a little before he went on tiptoes to press a kiss onto the most perfect lips he’d ever seen in his life, and he squeezed Harry’s torso as he did. Harry smiled widely into the kiss. His hand slowly dropped from Zayn’s hair and trailed along Zayn’s jaw line.

“You’re my beautiful little secret.” Harry whispered as his lips slowly brought themselves away from Zayn’s. The brown eyed boy smiled widely, before leaning up to steal another kiss from Harry’s lips, unable to get enough. 

 A/N: Sorry for the wait, I hope it was worth it!:) Ich liebe dich!<3

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