The reflection

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   It was a very young boy, about six or seven years old.  Green eyes, black hair, tanned skin. He was walking next to a women, which I assumed to be his mother.

 The woman seemed sad and frustrated, and was pulling the boys hand with force. Visibly something was very wrong with her.

 - What's wrong?- The boy asked innocently

 -EVERYTHING- she screamed and pulled him harder

All of the sudden she stopped and looked  at the boy.

-It's  not your fault, okay? Thing's haven't been working out...

Then, I heard a very loud noise. It sounded like a horn . A car was coming in their direction.

The woman pushed the kid, which quickly moved out of the  way

The kid was yelling loudly and all over the place. Then a tall man appeared and grabbed the boy, which started kicking the guy's arms, even if He had no chance of escaping.

- You'll come with me!-the man ordered

-I hate you! - the boy answered- you can't take me!!

the man covered the boys mouth so that he could take him somewhere, when a police officer came over asking questions.

  -I'm his father!- the man yelled-I will take care of him!

The boy didn't seem to like the idea a all, but it wasn't up to him. He had no other choice but to go away with the guy.

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