Harry Mikaelson

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Name: Harold Mikaelson

Kol,Niklaus,Elijah,Finn(older brothers)
Rebekah (younger sister)
Henrik(younger deceased brother)
Freya (older presumed dead sister)

Love interest: Caroline Forbes

Friends: Lucian castle, Aurora De Martel, Tristan De Martel

Sires :Tristan De Martel, Mary porter,

Ex girlfriends: rose petrova
(Tatias sister)
Mary porter

Harry is closest to Kol, Rebekah and Klaus
Even as a human he was the most reckless in the family

Caroline, Stefan,Damon, Katherine and more are apart of Harry's sire

Only Harry's family know this but he's a great singer
he hasn't sung since a couple years after being turned he use to sing for the village all the time as a human

Harry knows everything there is to witchcraft along with Kol because they studied it all the time as human and vampires 

Harry has great instincts like Rebekah and can read people easily

He's very dangerous and not afraid to kill for fun.he likes to hide it but he loves his family and friends he would do anything for them

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