Chapter 7 Accidental Fights and The Right Track

Start from the beginning

I sighed. "In my defense, he's a prick."

"Unfortunately, that is no reason to attack another student. Detention, tonight."

"I have a meeting with Dumbledore," I protested.

All of the teachers knew of my powers and also knew that my meetings with Dumbledore were actually to train me to control them.

"Fine," McGonagall said. "Tomorrow night, come to my office, and 10 points from Gryffindor."

I nodded as she walked away. When I looked back, everyone was staring at me.

"We should have left him out of it," Sirius said quietly.

"What do you mean?" Katie asked.

"Regulus," he explained. "We should have just left him out of it."

"Come on mate, you were angrier than any of us when he spoke to Ry the way he did on the train," James reasoned.

"I don't care!" Sirius exclaimed. "You shouldn't have attacked him." He had rounded on me now.

"Was I just supposed to let him run his mouth like that? He was being a git!" I defended myself.

"You don't attack James when he's being a git!" He argued.

"That's not the same thing and you know it," I countered.

He looked away from me, clenching his jaw and staring straight ahead.

"Sirius," I said quietly, putting my hand on his shoulder.

He shrugged me off. "This is bullshit."

He didn't turn around before heading out of the Great Hall. We all stared at each other, trying to decide what to do next.

"I'll go talk to him," Remus offered, following Sirius.

"I didn't think he was capable of getting mad at you," Katie admitted, looking incredulously at me.

James shrugged. "He's been on edge lately, this must have been the last straw before he snapped."

"Yeah well, we've all been a little on edge," I said.

"You've got to understand that he was just kicked out of his family Ry. He thinks that it's his fault that Regulus turned out this way," James explained.

I opened my mouth to argue but shut it again. I knew how close him and Regulus were, of course he would blame himself for leaving him with their parents when he went to school.

Remus and Sirius didn't return all of lunch. James, Peter and I made our way to Divination together.

When we got there, the ladder was already down. We climbed and found that we had just made it on time, most of the class was already there.

I sat at the table Sirius and I always sat at, he wasn't there. Professor Hygle started the lesson saying we would be looking at the position of planets and their affects on us.

I groaned, I'd never been good with planets. If ever there was a time I needed Sirius to help me with a lesson, this was it.

Halfway through Professor Hygle explaining what we were to do, Sirius came up. He looked mildly less angry.

"Nice of you to join us dear, take your seat," Professor Hygle said sweetly.

Sirius didn't say anything as he came and sat with me. He didn't look up, busying himself with staring at the table.

When the lesson was explained, I stared at him, waiting for him to look at me. He wouldn't.

"I understand that you're angry with me, but you can't just ignore me," I said.

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