Light Saber Duel

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Your POV

You where with the resistance and always had a battle to fight, but today you had a big one. There was an army of storm troopers standing in front of you. You had been trained by Luke Skywalker one of the great Jedi masters, so you knew what you were doing, but most times you let arrogance get to your head. You grab your light saber and quickly push the button letting the laser buzz next to your leather wrapped leg.

A cloaked figure walked between the trooper army, lightsaber in hand. The masked Sith soon stood face to mask with you. Your breath heavy from slight fear, but you regain your confidence. You quickly slash your lightsaber to slice his head off but you're stopped with his lightsaber. The two lightsabers grabbing each other like magnets. The sabers soon let go of each other.

You take a quick breath then dive for another slash. Aiming for the torso you miss and get thrown back against a tree. All the sudden you stopped breathing and everything stopped your eyesight was slowly fading. When you black out... No light just black and slumber. be continued

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