Chapter 2

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You lay in your bed, lost in a bundle of sheets. Staring at your ceiling, you replay the scene of meeting Phil at Starbucks yesterday. You still couldn't believe it was actually him.

And he gave you his phone number. On the first day that he sees you

You sit up, picking up your phone and the napkin Phil gave you. With your hand shaking, you insert his phone number into your contacts.

I have his phone number. Something most girls who adore Phil wouldn't get.

Your hands still shaking, you type a text, and send it to him.

You: Hey, it's (Your name)

It seemed like seconds before Phil responded.

Phil: Hey! What are you doing?

You: Nothing much. Still in my PJs

Phil: Me too
Phil: I'm helping Dan edit. You know Dan, right?

You: Yah, but I've never met him in person.

Phil: Really? Would you like to meet him?

You put down your phone on your bed sheets, and cover your mouth. A muffled high-pitched scream comes out. You can't contain your excitement. You would never think a trip to Starbucks would lead you to texting Phil and possibly meeting Dan.

You: Sure! When, though?

Phil: Hmm....let me ask
Phil: Can I meet you again? Same spot as yesterday?

Another squeal escapes from your mouth.

You: Yah! That would be great. Is 10 AM okay?

Phil: Yep, that's perfect
Phil: See you there!

You roll off your bed and hop into the shower. You put on your favorite flannel, skinny jeans, your favorite pair of (favorite color) converse. You put on your llama beanie-which makes you look incredibly mature (sarcasm noted)- and look at yourself in the mirror.

Fighting with yourself if you should wear makeup or not, you decided no since yesterday you weren't wearing any makeup. You apply the tiniest amount of lip balm and look at the time. 9:54 AM.

Snatching your keys off the bathroom counter and picking up your wallet next to the toilet, you rush our the door.

As you're walking to Starbucks, you notice Phil's tall figure and his dark hair. You walk up to him and smile. He looks up and smiles back.

"I got worried for a second. I was about to text you." He points to his phone in his right hand.

Smiling, you respond with,"You're cute."

"I know," Phil says, winking at you. You laugh, but you can't stop yourself from turning bright pink.

Phil opens the door for you and bows down, saying,"Madame."

Giggling, you head towards the cashier, Phil following. As you're ordering, you can feel Phil inching towards you. He was so close you could feel his breath brushing against your neck and ear. Phil orders his drink, then turns to you.

"Remember what I ordered, we're going to be coming here a lot," Phil says jokingly, raising his eyebrows. You roll your eyes and pick up your drink.

Heading over to your table, Phil manages a way to slide towards the table and sit in the same seat as yesterday.

"Wow. You're a professional at sliding," you laughed. Phil laughs along with you, and he pulls up a chair next to him.

"Merci," you say, Phil grinning.

"I really like your beanie. Very professional," Phil laughed. "I was wondering why the cashier was looking at you so weirdly."

You roll your eyes, and nudge him playfully. Phil was laughing so hard, he snorted his Starbucks drink. Shortly after, you do the same.

You two talk for hours. About the Phandom, tumblr, YouTube, Pancakes, Harry Potter, and lions. It felt strange because Phil was asking most of the questions- where you're from, favorite foods, all the fandoms you're in, etc. You barely asked questions about him because you already knew so much about Phil.

Once your Starbucks drinks have been slurped down and Phil decided it was about time for him to head back to his apartment to edit, you two head out.

You step out into the cold, teeth chattering from how hard you were shivering. Phil pulls down your llama beanie and wraps his arms around you.

You feel warmth, not from your beanie or from your many layers of jackets, but from Phil. You relax, and look up at him. He has a small grin, and his eyes were soft and sweet.

Is this how it would be if I were his girlfriend?

The thought circles in your mind as Phil's warmth wraps around you. He lets go, grabs your hand and lightly kisses it. You felt your heart melt. As he walks his way to his apartment, you feel your phone vibrate.

Phil: Had fun....let's meet again this week?

You: Sure! Where?

Phil: How about my place? You could meet Dan

You smile to yourself, chuckling.

You: Why not? I'm already prepared since I have the llama beanie on

Phil: 😂

Is this how it would be if I were his girlfriend?

Author's note: for the people who would want to be keeping up with my fanfic, I'll be publishing new chapters every Monday and Thursday. Thanks!


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