Chapter ONE

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Little Red Riding Hood

It was early in the morning. The farmers already started working with their fields, and the heat of the blazing sun touched the skin of the people working on the fields. The melodious chirping of birds brought music to the village's ears. A fragrance of wild flowers and ferns surrounds the village-this was another perfect day for the Woodpine Village.

A girl wearing a cloak and a hood of red velvet wandered around the village. Heads turn to her as she walked passed through the people with her golden, flowing locks that falls down to her shoulder. Her kind grandmother made her a red riding hood when she was still a child. It suited the girl so extremely well that everybody called her Little Red Riding Hood.

She had the kind of smile that brought warmth and happiness to all who saw it

Red was getting bored and decided to go home. Her house is a 2-story house with a basement and it was made out of wood. Her front door was had a rag made with wolf pelt and had a print WELCOME. This reminded her that her father was killing wolves for a living and the thought of it makes her have goosebumps.

Red's mother is usually in the kitchen this time of hour while her father is probably in the Headquarters preparing to kill some wolves. She often wondered if wolves are really dangerous creatures and the wolf cub she met years ago.

As Red walks the hallway, a pleasant smell comes out from the kitchen.

"Mom?" The wooden door of the kitchen swung open and an elegant woman in her mid-30s appeared at the doorway. She stepped in with her head held high in the air. Her hands swayed at her side with such gracefulness that it made her entrance like a ballerina gliding through a dance floor. She was wearing a strapless, white silk dress that reached just below her knees, and a pair of matching-colored high-heel shoes.

Red's mother was going to a party, she always does. A socialite woman who married a hunter was the gossip around the village.

"Ah, Perfect timing" Little Red Riding Hood's mother said. "Put on your things and go to see your grandmother. She has been ill; take along this basket for her. I have put in it eggs, butter and cake, and other dainties."

"Yes, mom," Red replied. "It's been a quite a while since I last seen her."

A smile came to Red's face. She always looked forward to her grandmother's stories every time she visits her.

Red went out bringing the basket for her grandmother with joy. Upon walking out of the village, she saw a young man bringing an axe, coming home after long hours of cutting wood. The man saw red riding hood and waved at her as he dropped the logs he cut.

"Red!" The man said smiling. His brown shirt was drenched with sweat and his black pants and sturdy boots were covered with mud.

"Hi Jack!" Red said.

"Guess what?" Grinning from ear to ear like a Cheshire Cat.

"What's up with the creepy grin?" Red raised her eyebrow.

"W-what cree-"

"Did you beat your personal record?" Eyeing on the logs Jack was carrying. Red said with excitement as she clasped her hands.

"There goes my word." Jack sighed. "Yeah, you got it right." The two of them high-fived and shared a smile.

"You going to your grandma?" Jack said as he looked at Red's basket. "Smells wonderful! Mind if take it?" The woodcutter laughed in such good-natured manner.

"Haha, very funny." Red said sarcastically. "By the way, I'm gotta go."

"H-huh? Oh, y-yeah." Jack stuttered. "D-do you want me to go with you, or something?" He scratched his head.

"Hm? No, I'm fine." Red said showing a smile. "Besides, I think you're still busy."

"Y-yeah, of course." He hanged his head down.

"Bye Jack!" Red walked to the exit.

"Bye Red." The young man sighed. He looked at the sky and breathed in and out. "Oh well, there's always tomorrow."

Meanwhile, Red was walking towards her grandmother. The forest was the young girl's favorite place. With the trees, the animals and the nature, how could they not love the forest? While it's true that the forest has wolves, Red can't help but admire the nature around her.. Then suddenly, she heard a snap. She looked at the bushes where the noise came from.

Red was an inquisitive person. Her mother always tells her that curiosity killed the cat, but what could stop Red from being curious?

She walked towards the bushes slowly, hoping it's not a wolf or something. She was breathing fast, her heart beat faster and faster, and her eyes showed determination.

She took her 1st step, then the 2nd and the 3rd. She was finally near the bush. With the final push, she looked and saw it! The most adorable creatures in the forest-bunnies.

"Oh! Bunnies!" Red sighed. "I can't believe I was scared of this." Red tried to touch the cute little creatures but they ran as soon as she reached her hand.

But, Red saw something on the very corner of her peripheral vision. She turned her head and saw nothing. Red was sure of it. She really did saw something. She knew, for sure that she saw it- a shadow.

Red always had this feeling that someone, or something, was watching her. This started years ago, after she had her 12th birthday. But nothing happened to her, so she decided to keep quiet to her parents. Besides, if her father knew about this, he might send all his men to guard her daughter.

The feeling was gone now. The shadow that Red saw might be her stalker that left just now. Red decided to brush off all her worries and continued to her path.

Minutes later, Red arrived to her grandmother's house. She walked on the rocky path and reached the front of the doorstep. Once she was in front of the door, she knocked.

"Who is there?" Red heard a soft yet lovely voice.

"Little Red Riding Hood," replied Red. "I brought you something; open the door."

"Lift the latch," called out the grandmother, "I am too weak, and cannot get up."

Red lifted up the latch and the door sprang open. There, she saw her grandmother who laying down on her huge bed reading a book.

"Come inside, dear." The old woman said and placed her book beside her.

Red closed the door and came inside. She missed her grandmother and hoped to spend time with her. She was quite nervous talking to her grandmother; it was a long time since she last visited.

"How are you, grandmother?"

"I'm still on the bed, as you can see." Her grandmother smiled as she eyed on the basket. "And I see that you've brought me something."

"Oh yes, I think you'll love it."

"Let's find it, shall we?" Both of them smiled. Red placed the basket on the table and took out the food.

"How about a slice of cake?" Red said playfully.

"That would be wonderful."

The two of them ate the cake and shared stories with each other. Time went by fast and it was time for Red to leave. But a lot of worries were within the girls mind. Aside from having a stalker, she was mostly worried about her grandmother.

"What's wrong?" Her grandmother said, noticing the young girl's sad look.

"Grandmother, I..." Red hesitated. She thought what her grandmother would feel if she said her worries. Stressing out her grandmother will only make her health worse than before.

The old lady looked at Red and said. "If you need someone to talk to, visit me." Her grandmother smiled and hugged Red.

"I love you."

"I love you too, grandma."

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