Chapter 2

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Dusk Shine smiled as he was about settle down on the violin when the music boxes, clocks, and toys started to make noise. Shining Armor, Opalescence, and Gummy were snoring really loud as well. Dusk Shine finally had enough, and said "QUIET!" The noises then finally stopped. He then settled down and said "After all, enough's enough." Just as he was about to fall asleep, something started to glow. He woke up, and said "Now what's up?" A glowing star was coming closer to an open window as Dusk Shine said "Hey! What's going on here?!" He hid in a small pot as the star flashed, and an alicorn pony with a moderate sapphire blue mane & tail with a grayish perisan blue aura surrounding that acts like a flame, moderate cyran eyes, and a crescent moon on a dark purple background for her cutie mark named Princess Luna appeared and looked around. Dusk Shine took a peek from the pot, and smiled as he said "As I live and alicorn!" Princess Luna looked down on the sleeping Shining Armor, and smiled as she said "Good Shining Armor, you have given so much happiness to others. You deserve to have your wish come true." She then approached Sweepy Bell, and used her magic to bring him to life as she said "Little puppet made of pine...wake. The gift of life is thine."

As Sweepy Bell started to come to life, Dusk Shine became amazed, and said "What they can't do these days." Sweepy Bell looked around, and then looked down on his hooves. He moved them as he said "I can move!" He then held onto his mouth in shock, and said "I can talk!" Princess Luna chuckled as Sweepy Bell stood up, and took a couple of steps as he said "I can walk! He then fell down as Princess Luna said "Yes, Sweepy Bell. I've given you life." "Why?" Sweepy Bell asked. "Because tonight, Shining Armor wished for a real colt." Princess Luna said. "Am I a real colt?" Sweepy Bell asked. "No, Sweepy Bell." Princess Luna said. "To make Shining Armor's wish will come true will be entirely up to you." "Up to me?" Sweepy Bell asked. "Prove yourself brave, truthful, and unselfish, and someday you will be a real colt." Princess Luna said. "A real colt!" Sweepy Bell said smiling. "That won't be easy." Dusk Shine said. "You must learn to choose between right and wrong." "Right and wrong?" Sweepy Bell asked. "But how will I know?" "How will he know?" Dusk Shine said shaking his head. "Your conscience will tell you." Princess Luna said. "What are conscience?" Sweepy Bell asked. "What are conscience?" Dusk Shine said as he flew down to Sweepy Bell. "A conscience is that still, small voice that ponies won't listen to. That's the trouble with the world today." "Are you my conscience?" Sweepy Bell asked. Dusk Shine looked at the wooden colt in shock, and said "Who, me?"

Princess Luna chuckled, and said "Would you like to be Sweepy Bell's conscience?" Dusk Shine blushed a little, and said "Well, b...I...I...uh-huh." Princess Luna chuckled, and said "Very well. What is your name?" "Shine's the name." Dusk Shine said. "Dusk Shine." "Kneel, Mr. Shine." Princess Luna said. "Huh?" Dusk Shine said as he knelt down. "No tricks now." As Princess Luna used her magic to make Dusk Shine, Sweepy Bell's conscience, she said "I dub you Sweepy Bell's conscience, lord high keeper of the knowledge of right and wrong, counsellor in moments of temptation, and guide along the straight and narrow path." When the magic was done, she said "Arise, Sir Dusk Shine." Dusk Shine stood up, and looked at his light purple suit and light purple hat as he said "Well! My my! Say that's pretty swell! Gee thanks. But don't I get a badge or something?" "Well, we'll see." Princess Luna said as she chuckled. "You mean maybe I will?" Dusk Shine asked. "I shouldn't wonder." Princess Luna said. "Make it a gold one?" Dusk Shine asked. "Maybe." Princess Luna said. She looked at Sweepy Bell, and said "Now remember, Sweepy Bell, be a good colt. And always let your conscience be your guide." She then vanished into the night sky. "Goodbye, miss." Dusk Shine said. "Goodbye!" Sweepy Bell said.

"Not bad, says I." Dusk Shine said as he looked at his relfection in a red vase. Sweepy Bell looked at Dusk Shine who turned to look at him, and said "Almost forgot about you. Well, Sweepy Bell, maybe you and I had better have a little heart-to-heart talk." Why?" Sweepy Bell asked. "Well, you want to be a real colt, don't you?" Dusk Shine asked. Sweepy Bell nodded, and said "Uh-huh." "Alright." Dusk Shine said. "Sit down, son." As Sweepy Bell sat down, Dusk Shine said "Now, you see, the world is full of temptations." "Temptations?" Sweepy Bell asked. "Yep...temptations." Dusk Shine said. "They're the wrong things that seem right at the time. But even though the right things may seem wrong sometimes, sometimes the...the wrong things may be right at the wrong time or vice versa. Understand?" Sweepy Bell shook his head, and said "Unh-unh. But I'm gonna do right!" Dusk Shine smiled, and said "Attaboy, Sweepy Bell. And I'm gonna help you. And anytime you need me, you know, just whistle. Like this." He whistled, and Sweepy Bell said "Like this?" He tried to whistle, but failed. Dusk Shine shook his head, and said "No, no. Try it again, Sweepy Bell." "Like this." Sweepy Bell asked as he tried to whistle, but failed again. "No, son." Dusk Shine said. "Now listen." He whistled three times. Sweepy Bell tried to whistle two times. When he whistled the third time he got it right. Dusk Shine smiled, and said "That's it! Now remember, Sweepy Bell, when you get in trouble, and don't know right from wrong, or when the urge of temptation is very strong, give a little whistle, and always let your conscience be your guide." Sweepy Bell stood up, nodded, and said "I will let my conscience be my guide." He started to walk away, and Dusk Shine said "Look out, Sweepy Bell!" But it was too late. He bumped into craft tools, and crashed to the floor, startling Shining Armor, Opalescene, and Gummy awake.

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