The Quiet One (Chresanto Love Story)

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I don't want to get up...I don't want to go to school... I don't want to be bullied and harassed

I rolled out of bed and stretched then sluggishly went to the bathroom and sighed as I looked into the mirror. all the word and things that they said rushed into my mind, I whimpered trying not to cry and began to brush my teeth. I got dressed (picture on the side) and dragged myself down stairs and went to the kitchen, my mom was already at work so I grabbed a green apple and grabbed my house keys and left out the house. I don't live far from the school so I walk everyday, even in the rain which I enjoy. I put on my beats and played Body Party by Ciara and started walking while eating my apple and looking around as usual, and saw the boy with golden brown skin, plump lips, and short curly hair. he was BOMB. I looked away quickly when we made eye contact for a quick second and I began to walk a little bit faster and didn't look back.

I finally made it to jail aka school and took off my beats and places them in my backpack and took a deep breathe. I opened the double doors and walked to my locker not looking at anyone. I heard people talking about me like 'ugh why is SHE here?' 'shouldn't she be in a cage with the rest of the animals?' I didn't say anything and made it to my locker and unlocked it and grabbed my books that were quickly slapped out of my hands and onto the floor. I sighed and went to pick them up but a foot was on it, I casually looked up and wasn't surprised, it was Aubrey.

Aubrey: well if it isn't the quiet one, care to say anything?

I just looked at her and looked back down. she laughed and shook her head.

Aubrey: say something little mouse, you ugly anorexic mouse.

that hit me hard, I swallowed and shook my head. the thing is that I don't talk really to anyone except my family, I have no friends that are willing to help me here or be around me so I'm a loner. she shoved me into the locker and walked off, I slid down the locker and sat there until the hallway cleared until I was the only one there. I sighed and began to pick up my scattered papers and books, as I was doing that I heard footsteps. I continued to pick up my papers and I saw shoes stop right in front of me. I looked up slowly and saw the boy from earlier, he looked down and smile at me and I looked at him blankly.

Boy: do you need help?

I looked at him and shook my head and looked back down. I just want to be alone. I saw his hand pick up a couple of my papers and books and handed them to me. I took them politely and put them into my neat locker and grabbed my books, he stood in front of me and I avoided eye contact by looking around and down at the ground.

boy: what's your name?


I want to be alone.

boy: hello?

leave me alone.

boy: helloooo?

I looked up and my eyes met his and I quickly looked away and scooted away and walked off to my class,wow that was awkward... great job. I walked in and all eyes were on me and I felt small as they all gave me a stank face. I hung my head down and made my way to the back the room and took my seat in the back and put my head down. I heard the door open but didn't look up but felt someone sit next to me, I looked up a bit and saw the boy from earlier. I put my head back down and closed my eyes but someone threw something at me. I looked up and saw a paper crumpled up but had writing on it, I leaned down and picked it up then hesitantly opened it up. when I read it I grew sad.

Note~ anorexic mouse, keep your ass in your little cage and go die, no one wants you here or ever.

I gulped down my tears and threw the paper away. the teacher was talking about a book called Ulysses and called on me. I froze as everyone looked at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2014 ⏰

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