First day pt2

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When the bell rings u find out four of your friends are in your Ace, you and your friends head  to your ace room and line up. You can just see the teachers hair because you are at the back of the line right behind two really tall dudes, you hear her say come in class, but the line is moving slow, you realise she is taking names, you hide behind your friend so that you are last, all of a sudden you get really nervous you look at the ground until your friend goes in to class. You hear a female voice say name sweaty  you shiver and look up, to you surprise there is a young teacher with chocolate brown eyes and blonde hair with brown roots you studerred  and said (y,n). She gives you a toothy smile and puts her hand on your lower back and guides you into class the whole time you have shivers. As you and your teacher walk into class you notice the tables are in groups of four (picture above) .  You give your teacher a sad look and head to the back wall so you can lean on it, you hear her say (y,n) and she is holding a chair ,she quickly places it at her desk and directs you to sit down, you do as you are told straight away and sit next to the blonde, but you aren't complaining

The whole class goes silent waiting for the teachers instructions, lucky for you she wasn't facing you ,you where directly behind her, you made sure no one was looking while you check your teacher out ,you too are busy looking at her toned legs to realise she has turned around and totally caught you checking her out. You look at her face she has the biggest grin , meanwhile you on the other hand a turning red from embarrassment you look her in the eyes and she winks, you start to get butterflies as she turns back to face the class, you give a sigh of relief that the intense yet awkward situation has stopped.

    The bell rings for first period

You grab out your timetable and realise you have English, you meet some of your friends and head to class, you go in and sit down and wait for the teacher, all of a sudden you hear a loud thud , your English teacher was on the floor bawling her eyes out, you and one of your friends run to see if she is alright and you see that her ankle is twisted the wrong way, one of the boy asks the teacher '' hey is your ankle hurting'' you look up at him and give a glare meaning, nah shit, you shake it off and say to the teacher '' I'll go get one of the ladies in the office.'' You get up and sprint to the office and tell them what happened , once you have finished talking they get up slowly and tell you to sit on the chair you follow their instructions and sit, you notice a blonde walk in to the office, it was miss Paulson, just as she realised you where there , the office lady pushing a wheelchair , takes you out of the office and back to the class room, you get back and teacher is still in tears she hopes in the chair and goes to the office.

Last period
The rest of the day goes really quick and its already 2nd break you and your friends all pull out your timetables and tell each other what you guys have. You, Izzy, Holley and Tegan all have dance , you all cheer in excitement, until you remember the teacher you sigh looking at Miss Paulson's name on your timetable . You get up and walk to class with the girls . You walk into class with them and you all are joking with each other when your her Miss Paulson yell at you in rude tone your heart breaks a little because you are starting to have feelings for her, you and your friends just look at her with a confused face and go to the change rooms, you walk out in your black tights and a pink sports bra, all the girls in the class are wearing similar things. The four of you go to join the class for warm ups. Miss scares you when she yells ''30 lunges to the line and back'' you and the girls groan because you hate lunges. 10 lunges later , you legs and butt are killing you, you turn around and see miss Paulson checking you out you get really self conscious and finish your lunges.
After class you started talking to the three girls and they are pissed because that lesson had nothing to do with dance, you agree and walk to the change rooms 5minutes later, you walk out ,to your surprise your friends are gone, you sigh and grab your stuff, when all of a sudden you feel a warm sensation wrap around your waist, you have chills when you realise it was Miss Paulson. TBC

A/n: hey guys so this is the second chapter sorry if there is a few mistakes, if you have any requests for and upcoming chapters comment on this story thank you guys
~Taylah <3

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