The beginning

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"Ow" Haddu cried as a man bumped into her and then abruptly went off without even apologizing. She was clearly pissed off and Orina was trying her best to keep her calm.
"Remind me again WHY exactly am i even ur friend!", Haddu snapped at Orina. "You're my best friend to be precise and come on man. Sam says they're just around the corner", Orina replied. Her bestie wasnt a bad girl. Just a bit cranky when u forced her into something.
Haddu smiled to herself as she saw Orina beaming with happiness. There was only one person that Orina was so excited to meet: Sam. Orina had begged her to come with her to the mall as she couldn't go alone without being noticed by her parents and Haddu had eventually agreed. She liked to make Orina whine and act all clingy with her when she needed something. Haddu was forced back into reality when she saw 2 figures emerging towards them: Sam and his brother, haddi. Both of them were handsome but pretty skinny,unlike herself and Orina. They were dressed in simple jeans and T-shirts with leather jackets. Haddi glanced at haddu for a moment and she could swear she saw him smile a bit,but before she could make sure,he looked away. Haddu suddenly felt self-concious and wished that she had dressed up in a more fancy attire rather than blue jeans with a simple white hoodie over it with her hair tied in a ponytail. While Orina had also dressed simply in jeans and a red knee-length shirt,she had fully decorated herself with jewelry,rings on all her fingers and long necklaces. Haddu suddenly wanted to snatch them away from her and wear them. Wait WHAT?! why was she even affected by the presence of this boy? She had never been the type to dress up to impress boys. She liked to keep a distance but that didnt mean that she wasnt friendly towards them.
Haddu's POV
"Haddu. I shall be going first with Sam. I need to buy him a present. Get Haddi to give you company. you guys just might end up together",Orina whispered in my ear but to my amazement, blood rushed to my cheeks upon hearing her last statement which Haddi clearly noticed and threw a grin at me.
"Well then we'll be going first" Sam said pulling Orina by the hand," take care of Haddu, Haddi". And by these statements they were off, in a moment they disappeared. I sighed softly. Such was the feeling of love which i had never experienced. It made u forget the whole world.
"So....wanna eat an ice cream?",Haddi suddenly said as soon as the couple was out of sight.
"Uh ..sure",I answered. It was weird how he suddenly suggested us to eat ice creams although we barely even knew each other but i still agreed. I loved ice cream after all.
I barely knew Haddi. I had seen him once or twice before with Sam but had never talked to him. Now that we were sitting in the ice cream parlour and munching on ice creams while talking,he didnt seem like a bad guy. His sense of humour was insane. I couldnt help but giggle every second on a random remark he made. But between all those talks,I noticed him staring right into my eyes,even if it was brief, he just stared and I felt like the whole life out of me was sucked out by a vacuum cleaner. I saw many emotions in there, all I knew then was that he wore the same mask as me, the mask of happiness over an insane soul.
After we finished eating the ice creams we were bored out of our minds. We couldn't return back to our homes because we were supposed to be with the bothersome couple who just left us alone.
"Lets go somewhere" Haddi suggested.
"Like?" I asked,raising a brow. I really wanted to go but had no idea where we could head.
An idea suddenly rushed over to my head and i nearly exploded of excitement "lets go karaoke".
His eyes suddenly gleamed on my response which made him seem like a 5 year old: so innocent yet beautifully playful. A smile curled up on his lips as he grabbed my hand and excitedly pulled me beside him. As soon as my hand felt his warmth,my cheeks started heating up. I knew he did it subconsciously but why couldn't I just pull my hand out of his? As much as i hated to admit it, i was enjoying it and wanted the moment to last forever when he suddenly let go. I looked at him and he just stood there, scratching the back of his neck. "Iam sorry i just did that out of instinct. Im so sorry if i made you feel weird" he mumbled. His words sounded so sincere. I internally laughed at his cuteness but decided not to show it.
"Do u wanna get late for karaoke or what?" I answered,smiling softly. He looked up at me,with the same gleam he had before, but this time it was accompanied by a smirk. Oh god! He had realized that i enjoyed it! Before i had time to get awkward with him, he dashed away yelling," race you to the karaoke bar". Oh man this guy...he just knew how to handle me. I started running too. The bar was just around the corner. I reached there, panting and saw that he had already booked us a room amd drinks.
"You lost so you have to sing first " he grinned.
"Oh sure" i said. He didnt know what type of a music freak he was dealing with.
I typed in the song name and the music started playing.
"When the darkness ends by the moonlight. Yes, I'm calling out for you" i started singing. To my surprise he joined in.
"Yes, I was alone from the beginning
I knew that the whole time
It's okay, whomever that is
It doesn't matter
It's the same for everybody

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