Luke sick after a break up ( w/arzyela ) madi takes care of him

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Luke's pov


You know I really loved you Arzaylea but now I don't so get the fouk away and never come back 

*Time skip next day *

I woke up today with a pounding headache and God awful stomach ache I knew today wouldn't be good so I called madi like I always do when I'm sick because her voice is soft and soothing and she will drop everything and come take care of me unlike Arzaylea

* flash back *

last time I was sick she yelled at me for being " lazy " ( Arzaylea did ) then she yelled at me because I threw up in my sleep so I got up and left the house and went to madis not caring how I looked when I got there madi could tell I was sick and sad just by looking at me not to Menchen my bare chest was stained with vomit she gave me a bath and took care of me the rest of the week which got madi to Arzaylea bad side but madi didn't care

* flash back over *

* phone call *

( L= Luke M= madi )

L= hi madi ... * sad shakey  voice *

M= Lukey what's wrong ?

L= nothing * lie *

M= Luke don't lie to me

L= okay fine no I'm not okay Arzaylea and I broke up and I feel like shit * on the verg of tears *

M= awww buddy I'm sorry ... I'll be over in five minutes okay ?

L= o-okay luv u b-bye

m= luv u too bye

*'end of phone call *

I threw up on my self a few times before madi got here bcc I was too weak to move when madi got here she helped me into the shower and she changed the bedding on my bed while I sat and relaxed in the bath water she also did some Landry and other things around the house for me after I was done on the bath I asked madi if we could cuddle and she said yes after about 15 minutes of cuddling Asston ( sorry I had to do that )  saying he would be here in 2 hours to pick me up so we could leave for tour I got sad because I didn't want to leave madi so I took both of madis hands and said " Madi I have known you since we were toddlers I have had a crush on you since pre-school ( not creepy ) when jaden broke your heart a few weeks ago I wanted to tear him apart any one who can date u is lucky you are the girl of my dreams my laugh my smile I want to call you mine I want to hold u close at night hell all my life u stood by me when no one else was ever behind me with your love no one can drag me down when I'm depressed u make me happy u have stopped me so many times from sucide your the reason I'm alive I live to see your pretty face just hearing your voice makes me smile when I'm sick u make me feel 1000000x better you are my other half my smile my laugh you are the best of me would u do the honor of making me the happiest man alive and very girl friend ??? She replied with yes I was so happy but I was still sick and didn't know if madi could come on tour with me so I got sad and starting crying madi asked me what was wrong and I said I-I-I'm g-g-g-gonna m-m-m-m-m-miss y-y-you s-s-so m-m-m-m-much I-I-I'll b-b-be g-g-gone f-f-fore t-t-t-t-three m-m-m-m-m-months . Madi held me close and told me she would be Ashton gave her arzayleas spot on the bus I was so happy but also worried bc I motion sickness and I'm sick this was gonna be a hell ride not only for me but for madi and the boys

* time skip to the bus ride *

Madis pov

i felt so bad for luke he was so sick he was groning the whole buss ride ride then he checked Twitter and fake fans were calling him a wominzer and he said he was going to the bathroom be he didn't feel well and he wanted to be alone after 20 mm I went to check on him and found him passed out with an empty bottle of pills I sat him up and stuck my finger down his throat  in attempt to make him throw them up when that failed I yelled for Miley since he's the strongest of the band and punched Luke in the stomach 20 times hard since Luke had a weak stomach when that didn't work I panicked and starting bawling my eyes out and called 911 they flushed the pills out of his stomach after a few days in the hospital he was better from that but still bus sick after three weeks of puking stoping pukimg and lots of cuddles from me and the boys both together and at diff times he was better and back to his checky normal funny loving self

A/n sorry this sucked hope u liked it requestes r open

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