Chapter 2

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Gordie P.O.V
We followed Teddy into his seemingly empty house. His mother must have been out with some man again. The whole house smelled of smoke, beer, and drugs. I was guessing that Teddy was alone a lot. "What is it man?" I asked getting suspicious of whatever Teddy was showing us. He smiled his crazy smile and pulled out his radio.
"I was trying to find a good music station when I got tired and stopped on a channel. It was news about Oregon, and get this, they were talking about Castle Rock.  And get this, some kid who goes to our school, went totally nuts. They say one night he just ran into the forest and didn't come back, and the thing that ties it all together, the kids name is Vern Tessio."
I stood there in shock for a good minute. "What the fuck man? If that's a joke, that's serious."
"I'm not kidding you asswipe. They say whoever finds Vern gets fucking $100. We could be rich, Gordie. And how hard can it be to find that pusscake. He's probably under his porch." Teddy said, followed by his little laugh, cough thingy.
"I don't know Teddy. What if we get in over our heads. Maybe someone took him or something." Chris said keeping his calm, unlike me.
"Fuck you. You can stay home then." Teddy said sounding anxious.
I looked at Chris, and then at Teddy. "When do we leave?"
Teddy smiled. "Soon as school lets out."
Then a car rolled into Teddy's driveway. "You two better get out unless you want a beating as well."
Chris and I climbed through the window on the opposite side of the room from his driveway and ran off. I knew Chris wasn't keen on having another adventure like the one last summer, and now this was a more serious matter.
But I couldn't help but miss Teddy and Vern. I missed the treehouse and the constant talk about stupid things. I missed the boys that I thought would forever stand by me.
Once we were out of sight of Teddy's mother we sat on the grass. "I don't think we should get involved with this. I'm sure my brother will find out and I'll get my face pounded in." Chris said looking at his worn at shoes.
"Come on, Chris. What happened to the fearless leader of our gang."
"He's not stupid anymore." Chris paused, "I gotta get home. My dads probably already angry enough without me being late."
"Skin it." I said while holding out my hand. Chris brushed his hand over mine, then we switched. We'd always have that handshake.
Chris sprinted off towards his house where his father was probably waiting to get his daily beating in. I sat for a moment before getting up and starting to walk in the general direction of my home. I wasn't the invisible child anymore, now I was just the screw up.

'Why can't you be more like Denny' 'Why can't you have friends like Denny's' 'Why don't you do a sport or something' 'That Chambers kid is a bad influence, I hear he's been stealing again'
That was all our conversations consisted of. Simply criticizing me. I almost like being invisible more. But hey, at least they don't beat me, or fry my ears on stoves.
I turned the corner onto my street and ran right into the girl I'd told Chris about. Boy was she pretty.
"Sorry" I blurted out.
She smiled. "It's okay."
"I'm Gordie, you must be new."
"I'm Carson. And is it that obvious."
I smiled, "Not really. I just notice new faces. I've gotta get going. See ya around."
I walked past her and congratulated myself on actually getting through a conversation with a girl. Carson was such an interesting name for a girl. I'd never heard it before.
I was interrupted from my thoughts when my mom came storming down the steps of the porch. "Your almost an hour late. Denny was always on time. I'll bet you were with that Chambers kid again."
I felt extremely angry but knew better than to talk back. "Sorry"
I walked past her and was greeted by the principal of our middle school. Oh shit, I was in for it now. I didn't even know what I'd done. "You'd better sit down." He said before taking a seat himself. "Now, where do I begin. Ah, how about with a question. How well did you know Vern?"

Always stand by meOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant