Another Max x Reader?

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You- (y/n) You just moved to an apartment in Seattle yesterday. Your YouTube name is (Yt/n), and you make MineCraft videos. You are going for a little stroll in the city to get used to things. Oh, and you are like a total bad**s. Now, Let's begin!

Your POV

F**k, it's cold. I am now regretting not wearing a jacket. I start to shiver, but shake it off. S**t! The coffee place is closed! You are about to sigh as you get pushed to the side by a man who looks like a lumberjack (he doesn't anymore...). You are spun around and see a ginger charging at you. As the lumberjack guy. Cowards behind you, you yell, "Get off me you creepy a** lumberjack!" (Hey... that rhymed...) The ginger is still at full speed charging towards you. Geez he looks pissed. Too, bad that you are not a big fan of people picking on each other. He gets closer and stops right in front of you. His eyes scan you. Wrong move, buddy. You reach your arm back and sock him in the nose. "Don't look at me like that you creeps." You shove the lumberjack one away and walk the other way. "Hey!" You hear a yelling and turn around. "Oh, you didn't have enough?" You are being sarcastic. His eyes scan you again. "WOULD YOU QUIT DOING THAT?!?!" "Maybe, if you stop hitting me in the face for 5 seconds..." "Oh, okay" you get closer to him and grab his collar. "If you look at me like that one more time, I'll make you regret even looking at me!" I shove him back and take a step back. I see him look me over one more time, and also all of his little friends are too, except for the lumberjack. I growl and start to walk to IHOP, the one place that might cheer me up.

Max's POV

Wow... She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen... Ross pays me on the shoulder. "I know what'll make you feel better Max... IHOP!" He runs off in the direction and we follow, slowly. My nose still hurts...

Your POV

I sit in a booth with my back to the restaurant. I hear a noisy group come in. I'm looking down at my phone. Hear them come to a stop at my table, then they whisper and sit at the booth behind me. I pay no attention whatsoever to them. Until, I hear my name, or rather, my YouTube name. "Yeah, I bet that Max wishes that she would came to Seattle. He was one of her first subscribers!" I flip around in my booth. "Wait, are you guys talking about (Yt/n)?" I think they are shocked to hear me talk. I recognize them immediately. It's the guy who I punched and his little posse. He rolls his eyes, looks down and mumbles something. I don't say anything as I see a few of them nod. "I was her very first subscriber, and I heard that she's moving to an apartment building in Seattle. Actually, I heard the (apartment building name)!" The ginger's head shoots up, and his eyes are lit up. I'm guessing this is Max. "R-Really?!" They all laugh, and I snort. "I'm guessing you live there?" "Yeah, why?" I pay for my meal and stand up. Then I walk to the front of their table and shrug. "Maybe you'll be lucky enough to meet her." I pause. "Or maybe... you already have." I walk out. I can feel my heart race and I know that all their eyes are on me. When I look back, who I guess is Max catches my gaze and I wink.

Max's POV

Holy S**t. I. Was. Punched. In. The. Face. By. (Yt/n). I can't believe I didn't recognize her! Stupid, stupid, stupid! I mentally slap myself. I see Red staring at his screen. "I call dibs." Is all he says.  I give him the death glare. This. Means. War.

Author's Note

I'm writing a part two for this one cause I'm fangirling while writing this. Tell me if you like it! BYYYEEEEE!

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