23. Distractions in Diagon Alley

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“Slept together,” Blaise finished apprehensively. “I – it – I didn’t mean for it to happen, mate.”

“So your clothes just magically fell off by themselves, did they?

“I mean I didn’t plan on it. I’m so sorry.”

Draco was confused about a lot, like how long had Pansy been attracted to Blaise and visa versa, but the last three words confused him even more. “What?”

“Well, there was a time when, you know… she was yours to do that sort of thing with, and I –”

“She’s not mine, Blaise. I’ve never considered Pansy that. All she’s ever been is a friend, and I wish I’d figured that out earlier. It would have saved me a lot of trouble.” He paused. Blaise was watching him carefully. “So,” he went on, “if you like her… I’m not stopping you.”

Blaise looked back to the store. Granger and Pansy were at the counter now, each buying their dresses. As Pansy reached over to take her bag from the woman, her gaze briefly flickered over to Blaise and Draco. She pointed to Granger who was behind her, and rolled her eyes.

“She’s crazy,” she mouthed to them. But the usual nastiness was absent.

“What’s going on between those two anyway?” Blaise asked, frowning a little. “Are they friends or what?”

Draco shrugged. “I have no idea. Seems weird of them to suddenly become friends so quickly though. Pansy and Granger hated each other just as much as Potter and I did.”

“Did?” Blaise’s eyes snapped back to Draco. “You don’t hate Potter anymore?”

Again, he shrugged. “I still really, really dislike him, and if someone were to give me the opportunity to make his life hell I wouldn’t waste it. But the burning hatred just isn’t as intense as it was before.”

“Perhaps it’s the same for Hermione and Pansy?” Blaise offered. “The professors always told us that girls apparently mature faster. Though,” Blaise stuck a finger in his ear and then examined the yellow wax, “I’ve never seen it.” He flicked the earwax off his finger. “The dislike between Pansy and Hermione could have just been the result of house rivalries, and now that we’re out of school and the war’s over, they don’t see any reason to hate each other.”

Draco watched Pansy through the window chatter away to the cashier, gesturing wildly with her hands whilst Granger looked on, her arms folded and lips quirking up at the sides. He snorted. “I don’t really care, all I know is that it creeps me out.”  

“Yeah, I’m actually kind of disappointed.”

“Why’s that?”

“Well, I was kind of hoping for a catfight, you know? One where they roll around in the mud and their clothes get torn and tattered and they’re all sticky and wet with sweat, panting heavily –”

“Stop!” Draco’s hands were firmly on his ears. “I don’t want to hear it.”

And like that, Blaise seemed much happier and relieved. Neither Slytherin brought up the subject again because they were men, not girls, and men didn’t get into the dramatics or heart-to-heart talks.  

But just because Draco had given Blaise the thumbs up, it didn’t necessarily mean he was suddenly fine with the idea of his two best friends together. In a strange way, it made him feel… alone. And it was probably selfish of him, maybe he had just been so busy with his own problems he didn’t even notice the attraction between Blaise and Pansy. Or maybe there wasn’t any attraction at all and it had just been a one-night thing. Draco really hoped it wasn’t the latter. Sleeping with your friends change’s things. Sex always does. Their friendships had only just been mended. He didn’t want to lose it, not again.

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