The Potters

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This chapters was a little hard to write, seeing why it took me long. It wasn't that I didn't know where I wanted to go with this, more on how to write it. So sorry, but I hope you forgive me for it. It's needed for the story. They will be sorry when the time comes.

On another note, I am moving in less than a week, so I don't know when I will be able to write or update the next chapter. I sort of know where the next chapter is going. Oh the joys of moving!

This was 15 pages on google docs, and I know in a review someone asked for something longer. I hope this satisfies you. Hopefully all the other chapters will be the long too.

Disclaimers: If you recognise it, I don't own it. I only own Ethan and Alex right now, and the plot. I also don't make any profit from this.

Warnings: There is some child abuse in this chapter. And it should be the only chapter like this. Any other chapters would only be mentions.


January 15th 1982

The Potter's had moved to Potter Manor after that day on Halloween. The cottage was destroyed and there was a memorial put up in the name of the Potter's and the chosen one. Names of the people that died in the first world war and a thank you to Ethan for ending it. At the Manor there was many rooms. There was a greenhouse in the back, a vegetable garden, and some animals. This warranted a group of house elves looking after it.

The head elf Loppy who gave the orders of the day unless one of their masters or mistress needed them. After Loppy, there was Seekie, Chasie, Beatie, Snitch, Bludge, Lolly, Taffy, Jelly, Rolly and Fudge. Two of them were bound to the twins while the others were bound to the house of Potter. And another two were bonded to James and Lily. Snitch and Lolly were bonded to James and Lily respectively. Beatie was always looking after the greenhouse and the garden. Bludge and Fudge looked after the animals, while Taffy and Jelly was almost always in the kitchen, cooking for them. Rolly cleaned up with the help of Loppy and the others when they had nothing to do.

Little Harry Potter was still somewhat looked after by his parents, although he only got their attentions and affections - if any - after his brother did. His parents were very proud of Ethan but were not so proud of him. He was quick in learning the same things that was taught to Ethan, though he got told of for it. The house elves were the ones that looked after him most of the time. His favourite was Seekie. She was bound to Harry the day he was born while his brother got Chasie, her sister. The other house elves were told not to listen to Harry if it interfered with what Ethan wanted. Not that he could say much.

That morning, they were getting ready to go out. Lily was busy fussing over Ethan, getting him dressed in a pair of black trousers and a blue shirt. She knew that red would clash too much with his hair. When she was done, she smiled at him, making him laugh. Picking him up, she only glanced at the other boy in the next cot before walking out of the room.

They had decided that the boys would share the nursery until they were old enough to have their own rooms. Ethan would have the best room, have anything he wanted. He was their special boy after all. Harry, on the other hand, would understand why they did what they had to do when he was older. They loved him, just not as much as Ethan. Ethan needed all the love he could get at the moment, because there would be a time where he had to be trained.

Seekie was told to get Harry dressed in something that wouldn't take attention of their precious boy. So he was dressed in black trousers and a green shirt that matched his eyes. He looked beautiful in what he was dressed in, but then so did his brother as well. Seekie carried the boy and with a pop both disappeared and swiftly reappeared downstairs where they were having breakfast.

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