Chapter 1: The Beginning

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George was in his room  and I was getting ready for work at St. Mongo's . Jason gargles in his crib and I pick him up and he smiles.

"Hey Jay. Mommy would love to spend they day with you but she has to work. You get to spend today with uncle George and uncle Charlie." I tell him and kiss his check and walk downstairs into the living room.

"Speak of the devil." I say as Charlie walks in.

"Hey little duck." He says kissing my check. "Little man." Charlie says ruffling Jason's hair.

"Hey Char." George says coming out of the kitchen.

"Ok guys I've got to go. Please keep my baby alive and don't lose him." I say and kiss Jason one more time then hand him off to Charlie.

"That was one time." George says.

When Jason was just learning to crawl around 5 months. George and Charlie were watching him. One of them set him down and he crawled off. They were looking for him for hours. They found him in a pile of blankets.

"Alright. Bye guys. Oh remember I won't be home for lunch I'm going out with Amber." I say.

"Tell her we said hi." Charlie says.

"Will do." And I leave to go to work.

Third  person

"George I think Jay needs a change. " Charlie says.

"Well go change him." George replies.

Charlie takes Jason to get changed. George goes into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. The daily prophet was on the table. "Huh.Malfoy breaks engagement By Rita Skeeter." George reads aloud.

"The git." He mutters. While George reads  there's a knock at the door.

"Coming." He yells.
He opens the door to find none other then Draco Malfoy.

"Malfoy." George says coldly.

Draco is about to say something when Charlie walks into the living room carrying Jason. Charlie stops when he sees Draco. "Malfoy what are you doing here?!" Charlie demands.

"I didn't know you had a kid?" Draco says.

"Yeah. He's mine and Amber's." Charlie says smoothly "His name is Jason. He's 9 months old."

"Oh. Congrats." Draco says. "I haven't talked to Amber, Owen, T.J, and Blaise in forever."

"Yeah and Clove too." George says angrily. "Now why are you here!" 

"I want to talk to Clove. I was told she lived here." Draco says.

"She does but she went to work and won't be back until 11." Charlie  says stiffly.

"Oh ok. Will you tell her I stopped by looking  for her?" Draco asks.

"Maybe." George says.

"Please. I know I was a jerk but I want to make it up to her.  Explain why I left." Draco pleads.

"Fine we'll tell her." Charlie says. "Now leave."

"Thank you." Draco says and leaves.

Once he's gone George says "He's yours and Amber's? Really!"

Battle Scars BOOK 2 in The Weasley in Green and Silver series Where stories live. Discover now