Chapter two

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The rest of my day went just as expected. Lots of uncomfortable stares and long boring lesson that I already learned. But I guess it wasn’t that horrible. A few friendly faces from my other classes introduced me to them and their friends, and asked questions Like where do I come from> Why did I move? Things like that. And I was happy to answer them. Just to have someone talking to me was nice. After all I was the new girl.

After class I met up with Elena at my locker since we were right next to each other. And after putting my things away we walked to the cafeteria. By the time we got there it was already crowded with people. The cafeteria here had better food than forks did. Instead of getting any of the expensive foods I got a slice of pepperoni pizza, an apple and a coke. I wasn’t that hungry anyways.

With our trays full we headed towards a table with two girls. One had dark skin, brownish black straight hair,kind of like Elena’s, and chocolate brown eyes. The other one had light skin, curly blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. As we approached them they smiled and waved.

“Elena we've been waiting for you”The dark haired one said.

“I know guys, and i'm sorry I took so long.” she apologized.” Guys this is Bella swan. She's new here” Elena pointed to me.

I waved.

“Hello” the blond one said and she reached out her hand for me to shake “I'm Caroline by the way”

“Hi Caroline” I gave her my best half smile I could. Meeting new people just wasn’t my thing.

The dark haired one held out her hand as well and said”I'm Bonnie”

“Hi” I took hold of her hand to shake it but as soon as my hand touched hers she completely froze in place and her eyes became blank. Like she had no soul anymore. I quickly pulled my hand away and she gasped.

“Bonnie are you alright?” Elena asked.

Bonnie shook her head lightly “Y-yeah. I'm fine”

We all quieted down for a few seconds, still confused about what we had just seen. I took my tray and sat down at the table and began to eat.

As for the rest of lunch, it was just talk about up coming tests and A school dance. Nothing that interesting. But Stefan eventually showed up and sat with us and joined in. After lunch ended. We split up. Before I went to my locker I need to go to the bathroom first. I found an empty stall and locked it.

“Bonnie, you need to tell me what you saw. This could be important”i heard a familiar voice say. I quietly got up and peaked through the crack of the stall and saw it was Elena and bonnie.

Usually I would just walk out of the stall and leave so I don’t ease drop, but I didn’t want them thinking I was ease dropping on purpose. But if I stayed i'd still be ease dropping. Either way I was out of luck. So I just stayed.

“I-i saw a man. Two of them. Both tall. And..a girl. Bella”she said.

“Who are the men?”

“i don’t know yet” bonnie replied “But i'm sure it's nothing. She didn’t look like she was in trouble or anything”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes Elena. It'll be fine. Come on. We need to get to class or we'll be late” bonnie said dragging Elena out of the bathroom.

After I knew they were out of sight I headed towards class after getting my things from my locker. Luck fully class hadn’t started yet, so I wasn’t late. That would have not been a great impression on the teacher.

I took a seat in the way back by some girl, and started working on something on the board.

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