Chapter 1

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My day was pretty normal, up until dinner, but I'll talk about that later. My maids woke me up, chose my dress, jewelry and tiara for the day and took breakfast in my room. Then I had some diplomacy meetings with French leaders. Then I had teatime with my mom and sisters. Then I had some freetime so I went to practice the piano, which Grandma Mer insisted I learn, I wish I played the cello like Lizzie, or could sing some. After that I took lunch with my sister, we mainly just talked about her combat lessons, and how I should start them, which I shouldn't. After lunch since it was the 3rd Thursday of the month I had archery lessons. After archery I went back to my room to clean up for dinner. I changed into a floor length deep purple dress with capped sleeves, my favorite tiara and a matching diamond jewelry set, necklace, bracelet, and earrings.
Dinner was where it all started. It started normal, we were all at our normal places, Mom at the head, Dad on her right, Emmett on her left, me next to Emmett, my twin a total boy he love photography and plays the trumpet, and across from Lizzie, her real name is Elizabeth Rose she is 12 and is a total tomboy she plays the cello, and finally Everleigh, shes 6 and is the girliest girly girl she loves all things pink or sparkly and sings. Dad announced that he, mom, and Emmett had been talking and since Emmett was getting ready to be crowned king, he needed a wife to rule beside him, and that we were going to host a selection for Emmett, that meant 35 girls running around the palace disrupting our quiet organized life.
After dinner I walked back up to my room with Emmett, since his room is next to mine.
"Are you sure about this? It will mess up our quiet routine" I asked
"Krissa, I'm sure, this is how mom and dad met, and Grandma Mer and Grandpa Max met and how Grandma Mer and Grandma Marlee met. I'm sure this is a good idea, and you'll be there to show them the ropes" he grinned and elbowed me.
"Mom and Dad grew up together, the selection is just where they fell in love. And I have my princess duties to attend to, and I think Callum may propose soon, so that would be a wedding to plan and a new culture to learn" I said with a flip of my hair.
"What duties do you have, if I recall I am the crowned prince so i have more duties then you, and if Callum does propose the selectes could help you plan." He smirked
"Whatever, goodnight, love you" I said entering my room, blowing a kiss and closing the door.
Tomorrow we announce the selection to the public and then yhe letters get sent out the next day, then two weeks from tomorrow the selected are announced, and then a week later they arrive. This is all moving so quickly I wish Dad had given us more notice. I read for about 20 minutes before turning out the lights and going to bed.
Author's note on this chapter, sorry its so short, the next chapter will be the report and then the one after that will be the day the Selected arrive.

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